IRIT - UMR 5505

  Bandeau IRIT

Camilleri Guy

  Status : Permanent
  Service / Team :  Systèmes MultiAgents Coopératifs
  Contact :
  Localization : IRIT2 / Level 3, Office: 368
  Phone : +33 (0)5 61 55 6347
  Publications :




 Research Topics

My main theme of research is the design of cooperative systems. I am particularly interested in the management of communication in Cooperative Knowledge Bases Systems (CKBS) developed by our team (Jean-Luc Soubie). The Cooperative Knowledge Bases Systems constitute a new generation of knowledge based systems. They focus on the quality of assistance provided to users. To improve the assistance, these systems take into account the cooperative aspect of the common solving.

In the modern world, teamwork is vital and central in most of our activities. Within organizations, it holds a preponderant place for decision makers. This teamwork appears often in the form of group decision-making meetings. In this context, our objective is to introduce cooperative technological tools to "improve" the group decision-making activity.

In continuation of my work on the management of communication, in collaboration with Pascale Zarate, I try through the CKBS architecture to define and develop a framework for designing cooperative support systems for leadership of group decision-making meetings .

In summary my research Topics/sub-topics are:
  • Cooperative systems/Cooperative knowledge based systems
    • Dialogue management(plan based approaches)
      • Plan recognition
      • Dialogue modelling
    • Knowledge modelling
      • Conceptual models (task/method)
    • Artificial intelligence Planning
      • Hierarchical planning (HTN)
      • Actions based planning, numerical planning
  • Group Decision support systems
    • Group decision structuring
    • Time management in group decision-making meetings
      • Dynamic estimation of collective decision-making meetings efficiency
    • Teamwork


 Current Research Activities

Even today, the main tool for collective decision-making activities remains face to face meetings. However, it is not uncommon to see these meetings as unproductive in terms of time efficiency, and objectives achievement. The main objective is to implement a system able to provide recommendations to assist the facilitator in the management of group decision-making meetings.



  • Arnaud Martin

    « Context taking into account for Decision support: Decision maker profiles management » M2R IT



  • Master 2 Recherche Informatique et T�l�communication parcours ISCS Dialogue
  • Master 1 informatique UPS TC1 Conception et programmation parall�le.
  • Master 1 IUP IDIM TMM r�seaux et informatique Initier les �tudiant � la programmation d�applications en bureautique et leur proposer une introduction � l�intelligence artificielle appliqu�e � la m�decine.
  • Licence 3 IUP IDIM TMM Syst�mes int�gr�s de Gestion de bases de donn�es UPS Conception du syst�me d�information, cr�ation de la Base et des Tables, cr�ation de relations entre les Tables, �laboration de formulaires de saisie, cr�ation des �tats de sortie, �laboration/Utilisation des macros, quelques notions sur la cr�ation et l�utilisation des modules.
  • Licence 3 IUP IDIM TMM Outils pour la mesure physique et l�analyse UPS Algorithmique et programmation en langage C
  • Licence 2 informatique UPS Syst�me 1 : Comprendre les concepts fondamentaux des syst�mes d'exploitation et se familiariser avec les outils permettant l�utilisation d�un syst�me.
  • Licence 2 informatique UPS Syst�me 1 : Comprendre certains concepts avanc�s des syst�mes d�exploitation et ma�triser les outils standard permettant, au travers de programmes en langage C, de faire appel aux services d�un syst�me d'exploitation.
  • Licence 2 informatique UPS Programmation imp�rative 2 : Connaissance et ma�trise de d�veloppement des programmes en langage C � travers les diff�rents concepts de structuration et d�abstraction. Diff�rentes techniques d�impl�mentation sont pratiqu�es. Ces techniques sont utilis�es dans la mise en �uvre d�un projet individuel de taille et de complexit� cons�quentes.
  • C2i Certificat d'Informatique UPS
  • C2i Certificat d'Informatique Mirail

