My main teaching are System and Large Scale Distributed Systems
Some material@Toulouse:
M1 parallelism
M1 Systèmes répartis
M2 resource management
- TD/TP of Linear Programming
M1 Systèmes embarqués, partie énergie
- Projet : mesure et optimisation énergétique
Some material@Elsewhere
Cours pour Doctorants a Addis Abeba: Mobile Wireless Network
CSIT Tutorial 2013 SaaS tutorial
Cours pour Doctorant a Beyrouth Economie d'energie dans les systemes distribues a grande echelle : P2P, Grilles de calcul, Clouds, Energie dans les clouds, MapReduce
Erasmus+ 2017 visit in Yerevan at the Armenian National Academy of Sciences: Multi-objective resources optimization Performance- and Energy-aware HPC and Clouds (slides), Introduction to MapReduce (slides), Peer to Peer systems (slides)
Erasmus+ 2018 visit in Yerevan:
- Armenian National Academy of Sciences Multi-objective resources optimization Performance- and Energy-aware HPC and Clouds (slides), The Datazero project (slides), The Energumen project (slides)
- ISEC (International Scientific-Educational Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia) Multi-objective resources optimization Performance- and Energy-aware HPC and Clouds (slides)
- UFAR (Université française en Arménie) and AUA (American University of Armenia) Introduction on Multi-objective resources optimization Performance- and Energy-aware HPC and Clouds (slides)