

List of talks, tutorials, and other presentations 2024 25 June 2024 DVFS-aware Performance and Energy models and how to use them in a realistic way slides during 17th Scheduling for large-scale systems workshop 15 May 2024 DVFS-aware Performance and Energy models, and how to use them in a realistic way slides during New Challenges in Scheduling Theory workshop. 2023 27 Nov 2023 Table ronde Repenser des infrastructures informatiques 5G et Cloud écoresponsables slides pendant la conférence les sciences informatiques écoresponsables organisée par CNRS Sciences informatiques 20 Oct 2023 Energy and environmental impact and sustainability slides during the InPEx Pre-workshop 25 and 26 Sep 2023 Science du numérique : Numérique et changement climatique slides 4 May 2023 Comment évaluer / réduire / optimiser la consommation d’énergie dans les Data Center / Cloud instances et l’impact sur l’environnement slides part1 and slides part2, industrial presentation.