

You can find here an overview of my research, the list of my PhD students, and a list and description of the projects I am/was involved in Overview An overview of my research work is available in my Habilitation (document in french) or in the associated slides (slides in french), defended on 12th Nov 2015 My focus is on Energy Efficiency in ICT and with ICT. I mainly focuses on HPC and large scale infrastructures (clusters, grids, clouds).


Recent publications (2020 and later) are in my CV HAL page or directly in my HAL page Older publications (up to 2020) are in the IRIT publication database Most publication are available through Google Scholar Another way to access them is through DBLP One other way is to use ResearchGate Code MojitO/S: An open source system, energy and network monitoring tool at the O/S level Expetator: A tool for running HPC applications using several type of leverages (DVFS) and low-level monitoring (hardware performance counters, RAPL)

Reconnecter un monde dévasté - Appel à communications

Dans le cadre du cycle de travaux “Le numérique à son miroir”, la journée « Reconnecter un monde dévasté » ? Représentation des enjeux environnementaux dans les jeux vidéo Sera organisée le 8 avril 2022 à l’Université de Rouen Normandie, Campus de Mont-Saint-Aignan Comité d’organisation : Sandra Provini, Mélanie Lucciano, Tony Gheeraert Lien vers l’appel à communications Les communications pourront par exemple, et sans exclusive, s’intéresser aux questions suivantes :