CFP: Special Issue on AI-driven Sustainable Cloud/Edge System, deadline extension

Special Issue on AI driven Sustainable Cloud/Edge System in Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM) journal Scope It is essential to broadly make intelligence an integral part of every sustainable computing work, but more importantly in cloud/edge systems due to their inherent closeness to the physical world we live in. With that in mind, we see extensive research on intelligence in cloud/edge systems, which has manifested itself in the development of exciting new systems including those that improve efficiency, reduce cost, optimize sustainability or bring new business venues to bear.

Reconnecter un monde dévasté - Appel à communications

Dans le cadre du cycle de travaux “Le numérique à son miroir”, la journée « Reconnecter un monde dévasté » ? Représentation des enjeux environnementaux dans les jeux vidéo Sera organisée le 8 avril 2022 à l’Université de Rouen Normandie, Campus de Mont-Saint-Aignan Comité d’organisation : Sandra Provini, Mélanie Lucciano, Tony Gheeraert Lien vers l’appel à communications Les communications pourront par exemple, et sans exclusive, s’intéresser aux questions suivantes :

CFP: Special Issue on AI-driven Sustainable Cloud/Edge System

Special Issue on AI driven Sustainable Cloud/Edge System in Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems (SUSCOM) journal Scope It is essential to broadly make intelligence an integral part of every sustainable computing work, but more importantly in cloud/edge systems due to their inherent closeness to the physical world we live in. With that in mind, we see extensive research on intelligence in cloud/edge systems, which has manifested itself in the development of exciting new systems including those that improve efficiency, reduce cost, optimize sustainability or bring new business venues to bear.