LILaC - paper abstract

I thought you didn't know! On belief revision in dynamic doxastic logic

Herzig, Andreas and Lang, Jérôme and Longin, Dominique


Suppose agent i believes that agent j is sincere, and that j does not believe that p. In such a situation, i must revise his beliefs when j informs him that p. Such scenarios are the reason why many logics with epistemic actions (such as the present inform action) are restricted to true belief (knowledge). We propose principles allowing to weaken a logic of knowledge and action into a logic of belief and action.



author = "Herzig, Andreas and Lang, Jérome and Longin, Dominique", 
title = "I thought you didn't know! --- On belief revision in dynamic doxastic logic", 
editor = " ", 
date = "june 28-30, 2002 ", 
booktitle = "Working Notes of the 5th Conf. on Logic and the Foundations of Game and Decision Theory (LOFT5)", 
address = "Torino", 
month = jun, 
year = 2002 }