Paper 5

Rejig: A Scalable Online Algorithm for Cache Server Configuration Changes

Authors: Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Marwan Almaymoni, Haoyu Huang

Volume 42 (2019)


A cache server configuration describes an assignment of data fragments to cache manager instances (CMIs). A load balancer may change this assignment by migrating fragments from one CMI to another. Similarly, an auto-scaling component may change the assignment by either inserting or removing CMIs in response to load fluctuations. These changes may generate stale cache entries. Rejig is a scalable online algorithm that manages configuration changes while providing read-after-write consistency. It is novel for several reasons. First, it allows for a subset of its clients and CMIs to use different configurations. Second, its client components propagate configuration changes to one another on demand and by using CMIs. This enables Rejig to scale and support diverse application classes including trusted mobile clients accessing the caching layer. When clients have intermittent network connectivity, Rejig detects if their cached configurations may result in stale data and updates them to the latest with no performance impact on either the CMIs or other clients. Rejig’s overhead is in the form of 4 extra bytes of memory per cache entry and 4 extra bytes of the network bandwidth per request from a client to a CMI.