Paper 2

Trust Factors and Insider Threats in Permissioned Distributed Ledgers

Authors: Benedikt Putz, Günther Pernul

Volume 42 (2019)


Permissioned distributed ledgers have recently captured the attention of organizations looking to improve efficiency, transparency and auditability in value network operations. Often the technology is regarded as trustless or trust-free, resulting in a false sense of security. In this work, we review the various trust factors present in distributed ledger systems. We analyze the different groups of trust actors and their trust relationships to the software layers and inherent components of distributed ledgers. Based on these analyses, we investigate how insiders may conduct attacks based on trust in distributed ledger components. To verify practical feasiblity of these attack vectors, we conduct a technical study with four popular permissioned distributed ledger frameworks: Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger Sawtooth, Ethereum and R3 Corda. Finally, we highlight options for mitigation of these threats.