Paper 4

SjClust: A Framework for Incorporating Clustering into Set Similarity Join Algorithms

Authors: Leonardo Andrade Ribeiro, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Karen Aline Alves Bezerra, Ben Hur Bahia do Nascimento

Volume 38 (2018)


A critical task in data cleaning and integration is the identification of duplicate records representing the same real-world entity. Similarity join is largely used in order to detect pairs of similar records in combination with a subsequent clustering algorithm for grouping together records referring to the same entity. Unfortunately, the clustering algorithm is strictly used as a post-processing step, which slows down the overall performance, and final results are produced at the end of the whole process only. Inspired by this critical evidence, in this article we propose and experimentally evaluate SjClust, a framework to integrate similarity join and clustering into a single operation. The basic idea of our proposal consists in introducing a variety of cluster representations that are smoothly merged during the set similarity task carried out by the join algorithm. An optimization task is further applied on top of such framework. Experimental results derived from an extensive experimental campaign show that we outperform previous approaches by an order of magnitude in most settings.