Paper 7

Rare Pattern Mining from Data Streams using SRP-Tree and its Variants

Authors: David Tse Jung Huang, Yun Sing Koh, and Gillian Dobbie

Volume 21 (2015)


There has been some research in the area of rare pattern mining where the researchers try to capture patterns involving events that are unusual in a dataset. These patterns are considered more useful than frequent patterns in some domains, including detection of computer attacks, or fraudulent credit transactions. Until now, most of the research in this area concentrates only on finding rare rules in a static dataset. There is a proliferation of applications which generate data streams, such as network logs and banking transactions, and applying techniques that mine static datasets is not practical for data streams.We propose a novel approach called Streaming Rare Pattern Tree (SRP-Tree) and its variations, which finds rare rules in a data stream environment using a sliding window, and show that it both finds the complete set of itemsets and runs with fast execution time.