Paper 2

Question-Answering for Agricultural Open Data

Authors: Takahiro Kawamura and Akihiko Ohsuga

Volume 16 (2014)


In the agricultural sector, the improvement of productivity and quality with respect to such attributes as safety, security and taste has been required in recent years. We aim to contribute to such im- provement through the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In this paper, we rst propose a model of agricultural knowledge by Linked Open Data (LOD) with a view to establishing an open standard for agricultural data, allowing exible schemas based on ontology alignment. We also present a semi-automatic mechanism that we developed to extract agricultural knowledge from the Web, which in- volves a bootstrapping method and dependency parsing, and con rmed a certain degree of accuracy. Moreover, we present a voice-controlled question-answering system that we developed for the LOD using tripli- cation of query sentences and graph pattern matching of the triples. Finally, we con rm through a use case that users can obtain the nec- essary knowledge for several problems encountered in the agricultural workplace.