Paper 1

GPU-accelerated Database Systems: Survey and Open Challenges

Authors: Sebastian Breß1, Max Heimel, Norbert Siegmund, Ladjel Bellatreche, Gunter Saake

Volume 15 (2014)


The vast amount of processing power and memory bandwidth provided by modern graphics cards make them an interesting platform for data-intensive applications. Unsurprisingly, the database research community identi ed GPUs as e ective co-processors for data processing several years ago. In the past years, there were many approaches to make use of GPUs at di erent levels of a database system. In this paper, we explore the design space of GPU-accelerated database management systems. Based on this survey, we present key properties, important trade-o s and typical challenges of GPU-aware database architectures, and identify major open challenges. Additionally, we survey existing GPU-accelerated DBMSs and classify their architectural properties. Then, we summarize typical optimizations implemented in GPU-accelerated DBMSs. Finally, we propose a reference architecture, indicating how GPU acceleration can be integrated in existing DBMSs.