Ponca Library

Ponca Library


Ponca (fomerly known as Patate) is a header only C++/CUDA library for point cloud analysis. Two main modules are currently provided: implicit surface fitting (Moving Least Squares, differential estimators, …) and acceleration structures (KdTree). Tutorials and documentation are available at https://poncateam.github.io/ponca/.

Ponca is accompanied by Poncascope (https://github.com/poncateam/poncascope), which demonstrate Ponca capabilities within the Polyscope GUI.

Ponca is developed by the STORM Research group (https://www.irit.fr/STORM/site/) at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (https://www.irit.fr). Prior development on Patate have been caried out at Inria Bordeaux (Manao Research group).

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