3D Acquired Research Dataset (3d-ard)

3D Acquired Research Dataset (3d-ard)

3D-Acquired Research Dataset (3D-ARD) is a research-oriented collection of complex and large-scale 3D objects and scenes, acquired and processed using state of the art hardware and software. Its goal is to bridge the gap between computer scientists (who develop acquisition and processing tools) and practitioners (who generate and work daily with these data), by providing high-quality data representative of practitioners usages.

For each item of the collection (e.g. an object, a building), we provide:

  • raw data, acquired using different modalities (laser scanning, photogrammetry, micro-tomography),
  • cleaned and reconstructed point-clouds and meshes,
  • modeled version(s) of the item, produced by professional artists under experts supervision.
Ponca Library

Ponca Library


Ponca (fomerly known as Patate) is a header only C++/CUDA library for point cloud analysis. Two main modules are currently provided: implicit surface fitting (Moving Least Squares, differential estimators, …) and acceleration structures (KdTree). Tutorials and documentation are available at https://poncateam.github.io/ponca/.

Ponca is accompanied by Poncascope (https://github.com/poncateam/poncascope), which demonstrate Ponca capabilities within the Polyscope GUI.

Ponca is developed by the STORM Research group (https://www.irit.fr/STORM/site/) at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (https://www.irit.fr). Prior development on Patate have been caried out at Inria Bordeaux (Manao Research group).