VTL: F. Dupin de St-Cyr + D. Parade image/svg+xml VTL: F. Dupin de St-Cyr + D. Parade Florence Bannay et Denis Parade Structurerl'information   Specialized / common Texts/ graphics Representations Cognitive principles sequential order - complex ideas + Manage Waste UML SADT Concept Graph OWL Specialized/ common Texts / graphics Cognitive principles Not very intuitive - Formal + Specialized / common Texts / graphics Cognitive principles Representations Ambiguous/Narrow - Easy + TIMELINE CONCEPT MAP VENN FLOW CHART MAP MIND MAP relation relation relation relation relation relation Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept relation Sujet principal Idée Idée Idée Idée Idée Semiotic properties and Gestalt Semiotic details Theoretical properties GAMETH Composant + opération() Feuille + opération() Composite + opération() + ajouter() + retirer() + getEnfant() Leaf and Composite extend Component 1 0..* Representations     Florence Dupin de Saint-Cyr Denis Parade IRIT, Université de Toulouse, Toulouse, France SCENARIO INTERACTIF, Toulouse, France Florence.Bannay@irit.fr infos@scenario-interactif.com Entity Composed of Properties Absolute or relative position Absolue or relative time Instances Action Inputs Outputs Conditions Condition n°1 Condition n°2 Condition n°3 Conditions Cognition and visual perception VTL Semiotic validation experimentsVTL specific GUIVTL translation into a formal language (inference, validity)Extend Links: RCC8 (Randell92),) Allen Intervals, ... Visual Reasoning = drawing transformation by inference Brachman - 1991 MOT Modeling with typed objects 6 links: I: instanciation P: precedence S: specialization I/O: input/output C: composition R: regulation Paquette 2010 Representations Cognitive Principles  Create a representation languageadapted to human visual perception Goal   VTL Formalization of Cognitive Principles Knowledge Representation in a Visual Typed Language (VTL)  Visual Reasoning: Related works  particular case of Aristotle's syllogisms with inheritance conditions about properties(Sowa06)Porphyrian TreeKL-ONE VCMExistanctial Graphs  Inheritance:  Perspectives from Principles to Practice 0 4 14.3 1 19.1 1 55.3 1 7.9 1 8-track 5 Cassete 3 Structurerl'information relation relation relation relation relation relation Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept Concept relation Composant + opération() Feuille + opération() Composite + opération() + ajouter() + retirer() + getEnfant() Leaf and Composite extend Component 1 0..* UML SADT Concept Graph OWL GAMETH MIND MAP CONCEPT MAP VENN FLOW CHART MAP TIMELINE Sujet principal Idée Idée Idée Idée Idée PORPHYRE KL-ONE VCM Lamy - 2013 Pierre d'Espagne - 1239 Existential Graph Charles S. Pierce - 1896 Isotype Neurath 1936 GestaltTheory KoffkaWestheimerKohlerath 1912  Graphicalsemiology Bertin 1973 Shape Retinal Variables Size Orientation Value Color Grain X Y Graphics TéboulDamier 2017 x 60 000 Fast Processing Doubleencoding Paivio 1990 Limitation of cognitive overload Access to details only for the required info Info. available by tree navigation + MOT= constrained typed visual language YES  Shortness, suggestive power and clarity of symbols NOSimilarity matching and meaningfullness NOAccess Efficiency and Limitation of cognitive overload NO3D NO   - - - -  Workingmemory Miller 1956 The magical number 7 2 + - Source: thinkypictures.com
  1. titreauteur
  2. planglobal
  3. objectif
  4. representations
  5. textuelle
  6. proptextuelle
  7. communes
  8. propcommunes
  9. specialisees
  10. propspecialisees
  11. principes
  12. cognition
  13. gestalt
  14. neurath
  15. miller
  16. bertin
  17. paivio
  18. teboul
  19. vueEntrees
  20. VueSortie
  21. principesformels
  22. propprincipes
  23. principesInformels
  24. VueSortie
  25. VueGlobale
  26. MOT
  27. Manage Waste
  28. propMOT
  29. VueGlobale
  30. VTL
  31. VTLBurnWaste
  32. PropVTL
  33. PropVTL2
  34. PropVTL3
  35. VueConclusion
  36. VueConclusion
  37. Perspectives
  38. Travauxlies
  39. VueGlobale
  40. Porphyre
  41. KLONE
  42. VueGlobale
  43. Travauxlies
  44. VueGlobale
  45. VCM
  46. ExistentialG
  47. VueConclusion