Publications de Ehouarn SIMON
Antoine Bernigaud, Serge Gratton, Ehouarn Simon
A non-linear conjugate gradient in dual space for Lp-norm regularized non-linear least squares with application in data assimilation
Numerical Algorithms, 2024, 95, pp.471-497. ⟨10.1007/s11075-023-01578-x⟩
Thanh Huy Nguyen, Sophie Ricci, Andrea Piacentini, Ehouarn Simon, Raquel Rodriguez-Suquet, Santiago Peña Luque
Gaussian Anamorphosis for Ensemble Kalman Filter Analysis of SAR-Derived Wet Surface Ratio Observations
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, 62, pp.1-21. ⟨10.1109/TGRS.2023.3338296⟩
Adrien Rouviere, Lucas Pascal, Fabien Méry, Ehouarn Simon, Serge Gratton
Neural prediction model for transition onset of a boundary layer in presence of two-dimensional surface defects
FLOW: Applications of Fluid Mechanics (En ligne), 2023, 3, pp.E20. ⟨10.1017/flo.2023.17⟩
Serge Gratton, Ehouarn Simon, David Titley-Peloquin
Covariance matrix estimation for ensemble-based Kalman filters with multiple ensembles
Mathematical Geosciences, 2023, 55, pp.1147-1168. ⟨10.1007/s11004-023-10063-z⟩
Serge Gratton, Ehouarn Simon, David Titley-Peloquin, Philippe Toint
A note on inexact inner products in GMRES
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2022, 43 (3)
Antoine Bernigaud, Serge Gratton, Flavia Lenti, Ehouarn Simon, Oumaima Sohab
Lp‐norm regularization approaches in variational data assimilation
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2021, 147, pp.2067 – 2081. ⟨10.1002/qj.4010⟩
Serge Gratton, Ehouarn Simon, David Titley-Peloquin, Philippe Toint
Minimizing convex quadratics with variable precision conjugate gradients
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 2021, 28 (e2337)
Rachid Benshila, Grégoire Thoumyre, Mahmoud Al Najar, Grégoire Abessolo, Rafael Almar, Erwin Bergsma, Guillaume Hugonnard, Laurent Labracherie, Benjamin Lavie, Tom Ragonneau, Ehouarn Simon, Bastien Vieublé, Dennis G Wilson
A Deep Learning Approach for Estimation of the Nearshore Bathymetry
Journal of Coastal Research, 2020, 95 (sp1), pp.1011-1015. ⟨10.2112/SI95-197.1⟩
Serge Gratton, Ehouarn Simon, Philippe Toint
An algorithm for the minimization of nonsmooth nonconvex functions using inexact evaluations and its worst-case complexity
Mathematical Programming, Series A, 2020, ⟨10.1007/s10107-020-01466-5⟩
Serge Gratton, Selime Gürol, Ehouarn Simon, Philippe Toint
Guaranteeing the convergence of the saddle formulation for weakly constrained 4D‐Var data assimilation
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2018, 144 (717), pp.2592-2602. ⟨10.1002/qj.3355⟩
Serge Gratton, Selime Gürol, Ehouarn Simon, Philippe Toint
A note on preconditioning weighted linear least-squares, with consequences for weakly constrained variational data assimilation
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2018, 144 (712), pp.934-940. ⟨10.1002/qj.3262⟩
M.E. Gharamti, A. Samuelsen, L. Bertino, Ehouarn Simon, A. Korosov, Ute Daewel
Online tuning of ocean biogeochemical model parameters using ensemble estimation techniques: Application to a one-dimensional model in the North Atlantic
Journal of Marine Systems, 2017, 168, pp.1-16. ⟨10.1016/j.jmarsys.2016.12.003⟩
Laurent Debreu, Emilie Neveu, Ehouarn Simon, François-Xavier Le Dimet, Arthur Vidard
Multigrid solvers and multigrid preconditioners for the solution of variational data assimilation problems
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016, 142 (694), pp.515-528. ⟨10.1002/qj.2676⟩
Ehouarn Simon, Annette Samuelsen, Laurent Bertino, Sandrine Mouysset
Experiences in multiyear combined state-parameter estimation with an ecosystem model of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans using the Ensemble Kalman Filter.
Journal of Marine Systems, 2015, 152, pp.1-17. ⟨10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.07.004⟩
Serge Gratton, Monserrat Rincon-Camacho, Ehouarn Simon, Philippe Toint
Observation thinning in data assimilation computations
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 2015, 3 (1), pp.31-51. ⟨10.1007/s13675-014-0025-4⟩
Ehouarn Simon, Laurent Bertino
Gaussian anamorphosis extension of the DEnKF for combined state parameter estimation: application to a 1D ocean ecosystem model
Dans : Journal of Marine Systems, Elsevier, Vol. 89, p. 1-18, 2012.
Joanna Pelc, Ehouarn Simon, Laurent Bertino, Ghada El Serafy, Arnold Heemink
Application of model reduced 4D-Var to a 1D ecosystem model
Dans : Ocean Modelling, Elsevier, Vol. 57-58, p. 43-58, 2012.
Ehouarn Simon, Annette Samuelsen, Laurent Bertino, Dany Dumont
Estimation of positive sum-to-one constrained zooplakton grazing preferences with the DEnKF: a twin experiment
Dans : Ocean Science, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Munich – Germany, Vol. 8, p. 587-602, 2012.
Ehouarn Simon, Laurent Debreu, Eric Blayo
4D Variational Data Assimilation for Locally Nested Models: complementary theoretical aspects and application to a 2D shallow water model
Dans : International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Wiley, Vol. 66, p. 135-161, 2011.
Ehouarn Simon, Laurent Bertino
Application of the Gaussian anamorphosis to assimilation in a 3D coupled physical-ecosystem model of the North Atlantic with the EnKF: a twin experiment
Dans : Ocean Science, European Geosciences Union (EGU), Munich – Germany, Vol. 5, p. 495-510, 2009.
Thanh Huy Nguyen, Sophie Ricci, Andrea Piacentini, Ehouarn Simon, Raquel Rodriquez Suquet, Santiago Peña Luque
Dealing with Non-Gaussianity of SAR-Derived Wet Surface Ratio for Flood Extent Representation Improvement
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2023), IEEE, Jul 2023, Pasadena (CA), United States. pp.1595-1598, ⟨10.1109/IGARSS52108.2023.10282744⟩
Sophie Mauran, Sandrine Mouysset, Ehouarn Simon, Laurent Bertino
A Kernel Extension of the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
23rd International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2023), Jul 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.438-452, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-36027-5_35⟩
Adrien Rouvière, Lucas Pascal, Fabien Méry, Ehouarn Simon, Serge Gratton
Neural Prediction Model for Transition Onset of a Boundary-Layer in Presence of 2D Surface Defects (ODAS 2022)
22th ONERA-DLR Aerospace Symposium (ODAS 2022), Jun 2022, Hamburg, Germany. pp.1-10
Adrien Rouviere, Lucas Pascal, Fabien Méry, Ehouarn Simon, Serge Gratton
Neural prediction model for transition onset of a boundary-layer in presence of 2D surface defects
56th 3AF International Conference on Applied Aerodynamics (AERO 2022), Association Aéronautique et Astronautique de France (3AF), Mar 2022, Toulouse, France. pp.1073, ⟨10.2514/6.2022-1073⟩
Serge Gratton, Selime Gürol, Ehouarn Simon, Philippe Toint
Les algorithmes et la puissance de calcul dans les techniques de prévision pour les géosciences en grande dimension vus sous l’angle de l’optimisation mathématique
Colloque Modélisation : succès et limites (2016), Dec 2016, Paris, France. pp.37-47
Serge Gratton, Selime Gurol, Ehouarn Simon, Philippe Toint
Issues in making the weakly-constrained 4DVar formulation computationally efficient
Griewank, Andreas; Reich, Sebastian; Roulstone, Ian; Stuart, Andrew. Mathematical and Algorithmic Aspects of Data Assimilation in the Geosciences, 13 (4), Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, pp.2705-2748, 2017, Oberwolfach Reports, ISSN: 1660-8933. ⟨10.4171/OWR/2016/47⟩
Laurent Debreu, Emilie Neveu, François Xavier Le Dimet, Ehouarn Simon
Multigrid algorithms and local mesh refinement methods in the context of variational data assimilation
Eric Blayo; Marc Bocquet; Emmanuel Cosme; F. Cugliandolo Leticia. Advanced Data Assimilation for Geosciences: Lecture Notes of the Les Houches School of Physics: Special Issue, June 2012, Oxford University Press, pp.576, 2014, Lecture notes of “Les Houches” summer school 2012, 9780198723844. ⟨10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198723844.003.0017⟩
Quelques contributions à l’assimilation de données : des moindres carrés non-linéaires pondérés en grande dimension, applications en océanographie
Optimisation et contrôle [math.OC]. Toulouse INP, 2023
Ehouarn Simon, Laurent Bertino
Joint state-parameter estimation in a 3D coupled physical-ecosystem model of the North Atlantic: assimilation of SeaWiFS data with a non-Gaussian extension of an ESRF, ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, Norway, European Space Agency (ESA Publications), 2010.
Jérémy Briant, Paul Mycek, Mayeul Destouches, Olivier Goux, Serge Gratton, Selime Gürol, Ehouarn Simon, Anthony Weaver
A filtered multilevel Monte Carlo method for estimating the expectation of discretized random fields
Quelques contributions à l’assimilation de données : des moindres carrés non-linéaires pondérés en grande dimension, applications en océanographie
Serge Gratton, Ehouarn Simon, David Titley-Peloquin, Philippe Toint
Exploiting variable precision in GMRES