Publications de Meriem OUEDERNI
Zoubeyr Farah, Yamine Aït-Ameur, Meriem Ouederni, Kamel Tari
A correct-by-construction model for asynchronously communicating systems
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2017, 19 (4), pp.465-485. ⟨10.1007/s10009-016-0421-6⟩
Serial Rayene Boussalia, Allaoua Chaoui, Aurélie Hurault, Meriem Ouederni, Philippe Quéinnec
Multi-objective quantum inspired Cuckoo search algorithm and multi-objective bat inspired algorithm for the web service composition problem
International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, 2016, 15 (2), pp.95–126. ⟨10.1504/IJISTA.2016.076493⟩
Lotfi Chaâri, Willem Nicolas, Mohamad Suhairi Subhi, Akina Renard, Gabriela Maria Garcia-Romero, Meriem Ouederni
How AI can advance MDE ?
3rd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Pattern Recognition (ISPR 2023), May 2023, Hammamet, Tunisia. à paraître
Sarah Benyagoub, Yamine Aït-Ameur, Meriem Ouederni, Atif Mashkoor
Handling Reparation in Incremental Construction of Realizable Conversation Protocols
8th International Conference On Model and Data Engineering (MEDI 2018), Oct 2018, Marrakech, Morocco. pp.159-166
Sarah Benyagoub, Meriem Ouederni, Yamine Aït-Ameur, Atif Mashkoor
Incremental Construction of Realizable Choreographies
11th International Symposium on NASA Formal Methods (NFM 2018), Apr 2018, Newport News, United States. pp.1-19
Sarah Benyagoub, Meriem Ouederni, Yamine Aït-Ameur
Towards correct Evolution of Conversation Protocols
10th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS 2016), Oct 2016, Tunis, Tunisia. pp.193-201
Sarah Benyagoub, Meriem Ouederni, Neeraj Kumar Singh, Yamine Aït-Ameur
Correct-by-Construction Evolution of Realisable Conversation Protocols
MEDI 2016 – Model and Data Engineering – 6th International Conference, Sep 2016, Almería, Spain. pp.260-273
Florent Chevrou, Aurélie Hurault, Philippe Mauran, Meriem Ouederni, Philippe Quéinnec, Xavier Thirioux
La composition de services dans le monde asynchrone Formalisation et vérification en TLA+
14e journees Approches Formelles dans l’Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL 2015), Jun 2015, Bordeaux, France. pp. 34-39
M Filali, Meriem Ouederni, Jean-Baptiste Raclet
A Normalized Form for FIFO Protocols Traces, Application to the Replay of Mode-based Protocols
Third International Workshop Formal Techniques for Safety-Critical Systems (FTSCS 2014), Nov 2014, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.1–17, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-17581-2_6⟩
Meriem Ouederni, Gwen Salaün, Javier Cámara, Ernesto Pimentel
Comparator: A Tool for Quantifying Behavioural Compatibility
FASE 2014 – 17th International Conference on Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering, Apr 2014, Grenoble, France. pp.306-309, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-54804-8_21⟩
Meriem Ouederni, Gwen Salaun, Tevfik Bultan
Compatibility Checking for Asynchronously Communicating Software (regular paper)
Dans : Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2013), China, 28/10/13-30/10/13, José Luiz Fiadeiro, Zhiming Liu (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, LNCS, p. 310-328, 2013.
Güdemann Matthias , Salaün Gwen, Meriem Ouederni
Counterexample Guided Synthesis of Monitors for Realizability Enforcement (regular paper)
Dans : Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, Inde, 03/10/12-06/10/12, Vol. 7561, Chakraborty Supratik, Mukund Madhavan (Eds.), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 238-253, 2012.
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