Publications de
Ghasan Bhatti, Guillaume Millet, Roland Brémond, Fabrice Vienne, Nguyen-Thong Dang, Jean-Pierre Jessel
Filling the user skill gap using HCI techniques to implement experimental protocol on driving simulators (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI 2013), Nice, 24/02/13-01/03/13, IARIA, (support électronique), 2013.
Ghasan Bhatti, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Roland Brémond, Guillaume Millet, Fabrice Vienne
Towards the development of a User Interface to model scenarios on driving Simulators (regular paper)
Dans : International Driving Simulation Conference, Paris, 06/09/12-07/09/12, Andras Kemeny (Eds.), ENSAM, (support électronique), 2013.
Ghasan Bhatti, Roland Brémond, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Guillaume Millet, Fabrice Vienne
User requirements to model scenarios on Driving Simulators (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Driver Behaviour and Training, Paris, 28/11/11-30/11/11, Vol. V, Lisa Dorn (Eds.), Ashgate Publishing, (support électronique), novembre 2011.
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