Publications de
Regina Bernhaupt, Michael Pirker, Bastien Gatellier
Identification of User Experience and Usability Dimensions for Second Screen Applications: Results from an Expert Evaluation Using Generic Task Models (regular paper)
Dans : International Broadcasting Convention (IBC 2013), Amsterdam, 12/09/13-17/09/13, IBC, Proceedings of International Broadcasting Convention Conference – IBC 2013, (support électronique), septembre 2013.
Regina Bernhaupt, Maël Boutonnet, Bastien Gatellier, Yannik Gimenez, Christian Pouchepanadin, Latifa Souiba
A set of recommendations for the control of IPTV-systems via smart phone based on the understanding of users practices and needs (regular paper)
Dans : International Interactive Conference on Interactive Television (EuroITV 2012), Berlin, Germany, 04/07/12-06/07/12, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, p. 143-152, 2012.
Marco Antonio Winckler, Regina Bernhaupt, Cédric Bach, Bastien Gatellier
Challenges for the Gamification of Incident Reporting Systems (poster)
Dans : Extended Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fun and Games, Toulouse, France, 04/09/12-06/09/12, Regina Bernhaupt, Katherine Isbister, Florian Muller, Marco Winckler (Eds.), IRIT Press, p. 24-26, septembre 2012.
Marco Antonio Winckler, Regina Bernhaupt, Cédric Bach, Bastien Gatellier
Challenges for the Gamification of Incident Reporting Systems (poster)
Dans : Extended Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fun and Games, Toulouse, France, 04/09/12-06/09/12, Regina Bernhaupt, Katherine Isbister, Florian Muller, Marco Winckler (Eds.), IRIT Press, p. 24-26, septembre 2012.