Publications de
Brahim Hamid, Yulin Zhang, Jacob Geisel, David Gonzalez
First Experiment on Modeling Safety LifeCycle Process in Railway Systems
Dans : International Journal of Dependable and Trustworthy Information Systems (IJDTIS), IGI Global, Hershey – USA, Vol. 2 N. 2, p. 17-39, novembre 2011.
Brahim Hamid, Jacob Geisel, Adel Ziani, David Gonzalez
Safety Lifecycle Development Process Modeling for Embedded Systems – Example of Railway Domain (regular paper)
Dans : Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE 2012), Pisa, Italy, 27/09/12-28/09/12, Vol. 7527, Springer, LNCS, p. 63-75, septembre 2012.
Salvador Trujillo, Antonio Perez, David Gonzalez, Brahim Hamid
Towards the Integration of Advanced Engineering Paradigms into RCES: Raising the issues for the Safety-Critical Model-Driven Product-Line Case (short paper)
Dans : International Workshop on Security and Dependability for Resource Constrained Embedded Systems (S&D4RCES 2010), Vienna, 14/09/10-14/09/10, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, p. 1-4, septembre 2010.