Publications de
Dengji Zhao, Dongmo Zhang, Laurent Perrussel
Multi-unit Double Auction under Group Buying (regular paper)
Dans : European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012), Montpellier, 29/08/12-31/08/12, IOS Press, p. 882-887, août 2012.
Dengji Zhao, Dongmo Zhang, Laurent Perrussel
How to Make Specialists NOT Specialised in TAC Market Design Competition? Behaviour-Based Mechanism Design (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies (EC-Web 2011), Toulouse, 30/08/11-01/09/11, Vol. 85, C. Huemer, T. Setzer (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, p. 124-135, août 2011.
Dengji Zhao, Dongmo Zhang, Laurent Perrussel
Mechanism Design for Double Auctions with Temporal Constraints (regular paper)
Dans : International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2011), Barcelona, 19/07/11-22/07/11, Toby Walsh (Eds.), AAAI Press, p. 472-477, juillet 2011.
Dengji Zhao, Dongmo Zhang, Md Khan, Laurent Perrussel
Maximal Matching for Double Auction (student paper)
Dans : Advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI 2010), Adelaide, 07/12/10-10/12/10, Vol. 6464, Springer-Verlag, LNCS, p. 516-525, décembre 2010.
Mechanism Design for Dynamic Double Auctions
Thèse de doctorat, Université de Toulouse, juin 2012.
Dengji Zhao, Dongmo Zhang, Laurent Perrussel
Decomposing Truthful and Competitive Online Double Auctions
Diffusion scientifique. novembre 2013. CoRR – ArXiv
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