Publications de
Vladik Kreinovitch, Christelle Jacob, Didier Dubois, Janette Cardoso, Martine Ceberio
Failure Analysis of a Complex System Based on Partial Information about Subsystems, with Potential Applications to Aircraft Maintenance
Dans : Applied and Computational Mathematics, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Numéro spécial Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Vol. 11, N. 2, p. 165-179, 2012.
Felipe Aguirre, Christelle Jacob, Sébastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Mohamed Sallak
Inclusion/exclusion principle for belief functions (regular paper)
Dans : International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA 2013), Compiègne, 02/07/13-05/07/13, Fabio Cozman, Thierry Denoeux, Sebastien Destercke, Teddy Seidenfeld (Eds.), Sipta, p. 3-11, 2013.
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BibTeXChristelle Jacob, Didier Dubois, Janette Cardoso
From Imprecise Probability Laws to Fault Tree Analysis. (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2012), Marburg, 17/09/12-19/09/12, Eyke Huellermeier, Sebastian Link, Thomas Fober, Bernhard Seeger (Eds.), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7520, p. 525-538, 2012.
Christelle Jacob, Didier Dubois, Janette Cardoso
Evaluating the Uncertainty of a Boolean Formula with Belief Functions (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU 2012), Catane (Italie), 09/07/12-13/07/12, Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science 299, p. 521-531, 2012.
Vladik Kreinovitch, Christelle Jacob, Didier Dubois, Martine Ceberio, Ildar Batyrshin
Estimating Probability of Failure of a Complex System Based on Inexact Information about Subsystems and Components, with Potential Applications to Aircraft Maintenance (regular paper)
Dans : Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI 2011), Puebla, Mexico, 26/11/11-04/12/11, Vol. 7095, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 70-81, 2011.
Christelle Jacob, Didier Dubois, Janette Cardoso
Uncertainty Handling in Quantitative BDD-Based Fault-Tree Analysis by Interval Computation (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2011), Dayton, Ohio, 10/10/11-13/10/11, Salem Benferhat, John Grant (Eds.), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6929, p. 205-218, octobre 2011.