Publications de
Jérémy Boes, Cédric Sanza, Stéphane Sanchez
intuitive method for pedestrians in virtual environments
Dans : Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Numéro spécial Intelligent Computer Graphics, Vol. 374, p. 117-138, août 2011.
Jérémy Boes, Frédéric Migeon, François Gatto
Self-Organizing Agents to Learn the Control of Heat Engines
Dans : 11th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2013), Toulouse, 12/12/13-13/12/13.
Jérémy Boes, Frédéric Migeon, François Gatto
Self-Organizing Agents for an Adaptive Control of Heat Engines (short paper)
Dans : International Conference on Informatics in Control, automation and robotics (ICINCO 2013), Reykjavik, 29/07/13-31/07/13, SciTePress, p. 243-250, juillet 2013.
Accès : –
BibTeXJérémy Boes, Pierre Glize, Frédéric Migeon
Mimicking Complexity: Automatic Generation of Models for the Development of Self-Adaptive Systems (short paper)
Dans : International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2013), Reykjavik, 29/07/13-31/07/13, SciTePress, p. 353-360, juillet 2013.
Accès : –
BibTeXJérémy Boes, François Gatto, Pierre Glize, Frédéric Migeon
Controlling Complex Systems Dynamics without Prior Model (poster)
Dans : International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013), Barcelona, 15/02/13-18/02/13, SciTePress, (support électronique), février 2013.
Jérémy Boes, Stéphane Sanchez, Cédric Sanza
Intuitive Method for Pedestrians Simulation (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA 2011), Athens, Greece, 27/05/11-28/05/11, Université d’Athènes, p. 73-81, juin 2011.
Jérémy Boes, François Gatto, Pierre Glize, Frédéric Migeon
Controlling Complex Systems Dynamics without Prior Model (poster)
Dans : International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013), Barcelona, 15/02/13-18/02/13, SciTePress, (support électronique), février 2013.