Publications de
Carole Adam, Andreas Herzig, Dominique Longin, Vincent Louis
Unifying the intentional and institutional semantics of speech acts
Dans : Pre-proceedings of International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT 2009), Budapest, Hungary, 10/05/09-15/05/09, Matteo Baldoni, Jamal Bentahar, John Lloyd (Eds.).
Accès :
BibTeXCarole Adam, Vincent Louis, Robert Demolombe
Formalising the institutional interpretation of actions in an extended BDI logic
Dans : International Workshop on Engineering Societies in the Agents World (ESAW 2008), Saint-Etienne, 24/09/08-26/09/08, Springer-Verlag, p. 1-12, septembre 2009.
Robert Demolombe, Vincent Louis
Actes communicatifs à effets institutionels
Dans : Journées Francophones MODÈLES FORMELS de l’INTERACTION (MFI 2007), Paris, 30/05/07-01/06/07, Annales du LAMSADE, p. 1-15, mai 2007.
Carole Adam, Andreas Herzig, Dominique Longin, Vincent Louis
Unifying the intentional and institutional semantics of speech acts
Dans : Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies VII (Revised, Selected and Invited papers from DALT 2009). Matteo Baldoni, Jamal Bentahar, M. Birna van Riemsdi, John Lloyd (Eds.) , Springer, p. 68-84, Vol. 5948, LNAI, 2010.
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