Publications de Olivier COTS
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Boris Wembe
Zermelo Navigation Problems on Surfaces of Revolution and Geometric Optimal Control
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2023, 29 (60), pp.34. ⟨10.1051/cocv/2023052⟩
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Boris Wembe
Abnormal Geodesics in 2D-Zermelo Navigation Problems in the Case of Revolution and the Fan Shape of the Small Time Balls
Systems and Control Letters, 2022, 161, pp.105140. ⟨10.1016/j.sysconle.2022.105140⟩
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Damien Goubinat, Boris Wembe
Singular versus boundary arcs for aircraft trajectory optimization in climbing phase
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2022, 57 (2), pp.817-839. ⟨10.1051/m2an/2022101⟩
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Boris Wembe
A Zermelo navigation problem with a vortex singularity
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2021, 27 (S), pp.S10. ⟨10.1051/cocv/2020058⟩
Tangency property and prior-saturation points in minimal time problems in the plane
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2020, ⟨10.1007/s10440-020-00344-8⟩
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Jérémy Rouot, Thibaut Verron
Time minimal saturation of a pair of spins and application in magnetic resonance imaging
Mathematical Control and Related Fields, 2020, 10 (1), pp.47-88. ⟨10.3934/mcrf.2019029⟩
Térence Bayen, Olivier Cots, Pedro P. Gajardo
Analysis of an optimal control problem related to anaerobic digestion process
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2018, 178 (2), pp.627-659. ⟨10.1007/s10957-018-1292-7⟩
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Damien Goubinat
Direct and indirect methods in optimal control with state constraints and the climbing trajectory of an aircraft
Optimal Control Applications and Methods, 2017, pp.23
Geometric and numerical methods for a state constrained minimum time control problem of an electric vehicle
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations, 2017, pp.35. ⟨10.1051/cocv/2016070⟩
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Nataliya Shcherbakova
The Serret-Andoyer Riemannian metric and Euler-Poinsot rigid body motion
Dans : Mathematical Control and Related Fields, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), Vol. 3 N. 3, p. 287-302, septembre 2013.
Résumé Accès :
BibTeXBernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Nataliya Shcherbakova
Energy minimization problem in two-level dissipative quantum control: meridian case
Dans : Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Springer, Vol. 195 N. 3, p. 311-335, 2013.
Résumé Accès : –
BibTeXBernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Steffen Glaser, Marc Lapert, Dominique Sugny, Yun Zhang
Geometric optimal control of the contrast imaging problem in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Dans : IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Numéro spécial Control of Quantum Mechanical Systems, Vol. 57 N. 8, p. 1957-1969, 2012.
Résumé Accès :
BibTeXJean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Differential pathfollowing for regular optimal control problems
Dans : Optimization Methods and Software, Taylor & Francis Group, Numéro spécial OMS special issue dedicated to 60th birthday of Andreas Griewank, Vol. 27 N. 2, p. 177-196, 2012.
Résumé Accès :
BibTeXBernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Nataliya Shcherbakova, Dominique Sugny
The energy minimization problem for two-level dissipative quantum systems.
Dans : Journal of Mathematical Physics, American Institute of Physics, USA, Vol. 51, (support électronique), septembre 2010.
Joseph Gergaud, Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Pierre Martinon
control-toolbox: solving control problems within Julia
FGS Conference on Optimization 2024, Jun 2024, Gijon (SPAIN), Spain
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Pierre Martinon
Solving optimal control problems with Julia
Julia and Optimization Days 2023, CNAM; CNRS – Groupe CALCUL, Oct 2023, Paris, France
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Pierre Martinon
Solving optimal control problems with Julia (talk)
JuliaCon 2023, MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, Jul 2023, Cambridge, Boston, United States
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Pierre Martinon
ct: control toolbox – Numerical tools and examples in optimal control
Proceedings of 18th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization, Jul 2022, Paris, France. pp.13-18, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.08.074⟩
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Boris Wembe
Homotopic approach for turnpike and singularly perturbed optimal control problems
19th French-German-Swiss conference on Optimization, Sep 2021, Nice, France
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Nataliya Shcherbakova
SMITH: differential homotopy and automatic differentiation for computing thermodynamic diagrams of complex mixtures
31th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE-31 2021), European Federation of Chemical Engineering (EFCE); CAPE Working Party(CAPE-WP); Chamber of Chemical Engineers of Turkey (KMO); Koc University, Istanbul, Jun 2021, Istanbul, Turkey. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-323-88506-5.50166-2⟩
Tangency property and prior-saturation points in planar minimal time problems
International Federation of Automatic Control 2020 (IFAC 2020), Jul 2020, Berlin, Germany
Carlos Balsa, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Boris Wembe
Minimum energy control of passive tracers advection in point vortices flow
14th International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing (CONTROLO 2020), Jul 2020, Bragança, Portugal
Olivier Cots, Bernard Bonnard, Jérémy Rouot, Thibaut Verron
Geometric and numerical methods for the contrast and saturation problems in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Programme Gaspard Monge – PGMO Days 2018, Nov 2018, Paris, France
About prior saturation points for affine control systems (Journées MODE 2018, Autrans)
Journées du groupe thématique MODE de la Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI) (Journées SMAI MODE 2018), Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI); European Network for Game Theory (COST Action CA16228), Mar 2018, Autrans, France
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Damien Goubinat
Time-optimal aircraft trajectories in climbing phase and singular perturbations
20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC 2017), Jul 2017, Toulouse, France. pp.1625-1630, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.327⟩
Olivier Cots, Patrick Delpy, Joseph Gergaud, Damien Goubinat
On the minimum time optimal control problem of an aircraft in its climbing phase
7th Euporean Conferencer for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS 2017), Jul 2017, Milan, Italy. pp.1-14
HAMPATH : Suivi de chemin différentiel et conditions du second ordre en contrôle optimal (Congrès SMAI 2017)
8e Biennale Française des Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (Congrès SMAI 2017), Société de Mathématiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI); Fédération de recherche ARC Mathématiques, CNRS 3399, Jun 2017, Ronce-les-bains, France
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Damien Goubinat
Perturbation singulière en contrôle optimal et le problème de montée en temps minimal d’un avion (Congrès SMAI 2017, Ronce-les-bains, 05/06/17-09/06/17)
Congrès SMAI 2017, Jun 2017, Ronce-les-bains, Région indéterminée
Damien Goubinat, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Problème de contrôle optimal en temps minimal pour un avion contraint en phase de montée
Journées de la Société de Mathémathiques Appliquées et Industrielles – Mathématiques de l’Optimisation et de la DEcision (SMAI-MODE 2016), Groupe thématique MODE (Mathématiques de l’Optimisation et de la DEcision) de la Société de Mathémathiques Appliquées et Industrielles (SMAI), Mar 2016, Toulouse, France
Bastien Durix, Géraldine Morin, Sylvie Chambon, Céline Roudet, Lionel Garnier, Olivier Cots
Reconstruction basée squelette d’un objet 3D à partir de points de vue multiples
Journées du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique (GTMG 2016), Mar 2016, Dijon, France. pp.1-11
Damien Goubinat, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Numerical Analysis in Optimal Control Problem for Aircraft Trajectories
17th British-French-German Conference on Optimization (BGS 2015), Department of Computing, Imperial College London; Centre for Process Systems Engineering, Imperial College London; Imperial College Business School, Jun 2015, London, United Kingdom
Bernard Bonnard, Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots
Energy minimization in two-level dissipative quantum control : The integrable case (regular paper)
Dans : AIMS conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Dresden, 25/05/10-28/05/10, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS), p. 198-208, 2011.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
On solving optimal control problems by continuation and multiple shooting methods
Dans : 15th Austrian-French-German conference on Optimization, Toulouse, 19/09/11-23/09/11.
Accès :
BibTeXBernard Bonnard, Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Résolution d’un problème de contraste en imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire
Dans : Congrès SMAI, Guidel, 23/05/11-27/05/11.
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Suivi de chemin différentiel pour problèmes aux deux bouts hamiltoniens (poster)
Dans : Journées MODE, Limoges, 24/03/10-26/03/10.
Accès :
BibTeXJean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Hampath — on solving optimal control problems by indirect and path following methods
Dans : 6th Workshop, SDS2010, STRUCTURAL DYNAMICAL SYSTEM:Computational Aspects, Capitolo, Monopoli, Italy, 08/06/10-11/06/10.
Accès :
BibTeXJean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Hampath — A software for solving optimal control problems by indirect and path following methods (poster)
Accès :
Térence Bayen, Anas Bouali, Loïc Bourdin, Olivier Cots
On the reduction of a spatially hybrid optimal control problem into a temporally hybrid optimal control problem
AIMS on Applied Mathematics. IVAN KUPKA LEGACY: A Tour Through Controlled Dynamics, 12, 2024, ISBN-10: 1-60133-026-X
Numerical Tools for Geometric Optimal Control and the Julia control-toolbox package
Bernard Bonnard; Monique Chyba; David Holcman; Emmanuel Trélat. Ivan KUPKA LEGACY: A Tour Through Controlled Dynamics, 58 (chapter 10), AIMS Sciences, pp.209–243, 2024, AIMS on Applied Mathematics, 978-1-60133-026-0
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Yannick Privat, Emmanuel Trélat
Zermelo navigation on the sphere with revolution metrics
IVAN KUPKA LEGACY: A Tour Through Controlled Dynamics, 12, pp.35–66, 2024, AIMS Applied Math Books – Special issue in honor of I. Kupka, ISBN-10: 1-60133-026-X ISBN-13: 978-1-60133-026-0
Contrôle optimal géométrique : méthodes homotopiques et applications
Thèse de doctorat, Université de Bourgogne, septembre 2012.
Accès :
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, Damien Goubinat
Numerical Analysis of Optimal Control Problems for Aircraft Trajectory Computation (Poster)
3rd Workshop Geometric control and related fields (2014), Nov 2014, Linz, Austria. , 2014
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Suivi de chemin différentiel pour problèmes aux deux bouts hamiltoniens (poster)
Dans : Journées MODE, Limoges, 24/03/10-26/03/10.
Accès :
BibTeXJean-Baptiste Caillau, Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud
Hampath — A software for solving optimal control problems by indirect and path following methods (poster)
Accès :
About the prior-saturation phenomenon for minimal time problems in the plane
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, B Wembe
About the minimal time control of passive tracers in presence of a single point vortex
Olivier Cots, Joseph Gergaud, D Goubinat
The minimum time-to-climb and fuel consumption problems and CAS/Mach procedure for aircraft
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Jérémy Rouot, Thibaut Verron
Working Notes on the Time Minimal Saturation of a Pair of Spins and Application in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Bernard Bonnard, Olivier Cots, Jean-Charles Faugère, Alain Jacquemard, Jérémy Rouot, Mohab Safey El Din, Thibaut Verron
Algebraic-geometric techniques for the feedback classification and robustness of the optimal control of a pair of Bloch equations with application to Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Olivier Cots, Rémy Dutto, Sophie Jan, Serge Laporte
Geometric preconditioner for indirect shooting and application to hybrid vehicle
Térence Bayen, Anas Bouali, Loïc Bourdin, Olivier Cots
Loss control regions in optimal control problems
Olivier Cots, Rémy Dutto, Sophie Jan, Serge Laporte
Generation of value function data for bilevel optimal control and application to hybrid electric vehicle
Olivier Cots, Rémy Dutto, Sophie Jan, Serge Laporte
A bilevel optimal control method and application to the hybrid electric vehicle