Publications de
Philippe Palanque, Marco Antonio Winckler, Jean-François Ladry, Maurice H. Ter Beek, Giorgio Faconti, Mieke Massink
A Formal Approach Supporting the Comparative Predic-tive Assessment of the Interruption-Tolerance of Interactive Systems (regular paper)
Dans : ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction – Conference Engineering Interactive Computing Systems (SIGCHI – EICS 2009), Pittsburgh, USA, 14/07/09-17/07/09, ACM Press, p. 211-220, juillet 2009.
Maurice H. Ter Beek, Giorgio Faconti, Mieke Massink, Philippe Palanque, Marco Antonio Winckler
Resilience of Interaction Techniques to Interrupts: A Formal Model-based Approach (regular paper)
Dans : IFIP TC 13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2009), Uppsala, Sweeden, 24/08/09-28/08/09, Vol. 1, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 5726, p. 494-509, août 2009.
Giorgio Faconti, Michael Harrison, Mieke Massink, Philippe Palanque
The FAERUS Project: Formal Analysis of Evolving Resilient Usable Systems
Dans : European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC 2008), Kaunaas, Lithuania, 07/05/08-09/05/08, IEEE Computer Society, p. 0-0, mai 2008.