Publications de
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Properties of the MAC Layer in Safety Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Dans : IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Vol. 50 N. 5, p. 192-200, 2012.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Simulation of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Challenges, Review of Tools and Recommendations
Dans : Computer Networks, Elsevier, Vol. 55 N. 14, p. 3179-3188, octobre 2011.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Loss Reasons in Safety VANETs and Implications on Congestion Control (regular paper)
Dans : International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN 2012), Paphos, Chypre, 21/10/12-25/10/12 (conférencier invité), ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, p. 1-8, octobre 2012.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Congestion Control in CSMA-based Vehicular Networks: Do Not Forget the Carrier Sensing (regular paper)
Dans : IEEE Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON 2012), Seoul, 18/06/12-21/06/12, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 650-658, juin 2012.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Adaptive Carrier Sense Mechanism in Safety VANETs
Dans : ENSEEIHT-Kyushu University Workshop on Data Mining and Media Processing (EKDM 2011), Toulouse, 23/11/11-25/11/11.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Physical Carrier Sense in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (regular paper)
Dans : IEEE international conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2011), Valencia, 17/10/11-22/10/11, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 580-589, octobre 2011.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Local Density Estimation for Contention Window Adaptation in Vehicular Networks (regular paper)
Dans : IEEE International Conference on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2011), Toronto, 11/09/11-14/09/11, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 730-734, septembre 2011.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Why VANET Beaconing is More than Simple Broadcast (regular paper)
Dans : IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2011), San Francisco, 05/09/11-08/09/11, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 1-5, septembre 2011.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Enhancements of IEEE 802.11p Protocol for Access Control on a VANET Control Channel (regular paper)
Dans : IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2011), Kyoto, 05/06/11-09/06/11, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 1-5, juin 2011.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Broadcast Communication in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network Safety Applications (regular paper)
Dans : IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2011), Las Vegas, 09/01/11-12/01/11, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 462-466, janvier 2011.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Evaluation of Channel Access Techniques in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
Dans : Ecole d’été RESCOM, Giens, 13/06/10-18/06/10.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Minimum Contention Window Adaptation for VANET Control Channel
Dans : Journées Spécifiques Pôle ResCom Réseaux Véhiculaires, Lyon, 24/11/10.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Comparison of CSMA and TDMA for a Heartbeat VANET Application (regular paper)
Dans : IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2010), Le Cap, 23/05/10-27/05/10, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 1-5, mai 2010.
Razvan Stanica, Emmanuel Chaput, André-Luc Beylot
Congestion Control for Safety Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Dans : Vehicular Networks : Models and Algorithms. André-Luc Beylot, Houda Labiod (Eds.) , ISTE – WILEY, 1, p. 1-32, mai 2013.
Contrôle de Congestion dans les Réseaux Véhiculaires
Thèse de doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, novembre 2011.