Publications de
Parallel algebraic hybrid solvers for large 3D convection-diffusion problems
Dans : Numerical Algorithms, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 51 N. 2, p. 151-177, 2009.
Luc Giraud, Azzam Haidar, Layne T. Watson
Parallel scalability study of hybrid preconditioners in three dimensions
Dans : Parallel Computing, World Scientific, Vol. 34, p. 363-379, 2008.
Luc Giraud, Azzam Haidar, Pascal Hénon, Pierre Ramet, Yousef Saad
Investigations on hybrid solvers in the PhyLeas project
Dans : SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Miami, Florida, 02/03/09-06/03/09.
Parallel algebraic additive Schwarz preconditioners for Schur complement systems in 3D
Dans : 9th IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing, Lille, 17/03/08-20/03/08.
Luc Giraud, Azzam Haidar, Watson Layne T.
Mixed-precision preconditioners in parallel domain decomposition solvers
Dans : International conference on domain decomposition methods, Strobl, Austria, 03/07/06-07/07/06 (conférencier invité), Ulrich Langer, Marco Discacciati, David Keyes, Olof Widlund, Walter Zulehner (Eds.), Springer, Lectures notes computational science and engineering 60, p. 357-364, janvier 2008.
Patrick Amestoy, Michel Daydé, Iain Duff, Luc Giraud, Azzam Haidar, Stéphane Lanteri, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Pierre Ramet
Trends in Sparse Linear Research and Software Developments in France
Dans : First French-Japanese Workshop « Petascale Applications, Algorithms and Programming » (PAAP), Tokyo, Japan, 01/11/07-02/11/07.
Accès :
BibTeXLuc Giraud, Azzam Haidar, Shane Mulligan
Numerical experiments with additive Schwarz preconditioner for nonoverlapping domain decomposition in 3D
Dans : 4th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA’06), Rennes, 07/09/07-09/09/07.
Luc Giraud, Azzam Haidar, Layne T. Watson
A parallel additive Schwarz preconditioner and its variants for 3D elliptic non-overlapping domain decomposition.
Dans : 2007 International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Large Sparse Matrix Problems In Scientific And Industrial Applications., Toulouse, 09/07/07-12/07/07 ( Best student work awards ).
Luc Giraud, Azzam Haidar, Layne T. Watson
A High-Performance Parallel Hybrid Solver for Large Sparse Linear Systems
Dans : Sparse Days Meeting 2007 at CERFACS, Toulouse, 10/10/07-12/10/07.
On the parallel scalability of hybrid linear solvers for large 3D problems
Thèse de doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, juin 2008.
Accès :
Algebraic domain decomposition solvers: massively parallel scalability study and real life applications
Présentation orale. avril 2009. Seminar Center for Computational Mathematics, University of Colorado Denver
Parallel hybrid solver for large 3D problem
Présentation orale. décembre 2008. Scientific computing seminars, Lawrance Berkeley National Lab.