Publications de Sandrine MOUYSSET
Philip Knight, Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Introducing the Class of SemiDoubly Stochastic Matrices: A Novel Scaling Approach for Rectangular Matrices
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2023, 44 (4), pp.1731-1748. ⟨10.1137/22M1519791⟩
Achraf Bennis, Philippe Leleux, Alban Canali, Caroline De Pourtales, Sandrine Mouysset, David Simoncini, Pierre Brousset, Francois-Xavier Frenois, Christian Recher, Jean-Marc Alliot, Jean-Baptiste Rieu, Sarah Bertoli
PB1764: Segmentation and classification of Bone Marrow Cells from multi-precision numerization of Bone Marrow Smears (BMS) from patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) using AI techniques
HemaSphere, 2023, 7 (S3), pp.e5127496. ⟨10.1097/01.HS9.0000973912.51274.96⟩
Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Doubly Stochastic Scaling Unifies Community Detection
Neurocomputing, 2022, ⟨10.1016/j.neucom.2022.06.090⟩
Annalisa Paroni, Nathalie Henrich Bernardoni, Christophe Savariaux, Hélène Loevenbruck, Pascale Calabrese, Thomas Pellegrini, Sandrine Mouysset, Silvain Gerber
Vocal drum sounds in human beatboxing: An acoustic and articulatory exploration using electromagnetic articulography
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2021, 149 (1), pp.191-206. ⟨10.1121/10.0002921⟩
Ehouarn Simon, Annette Samuelsen, Laurent Bertino, Sandrine Mouysset
Experiences in multiyear combined state-parameter estimation with an ecosystem model of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans using the Ensemble Kalman Filter.
Journal of Marine Systems, 2015, 152, pp.1-17. ⟨10.1016/j.jmarsys.2015.07.004⟩
Hiba Zbib, Sandrine Mouysset, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Jamal Charara, Sylvie Chalon, Laurent Galineau, Irene Buvat, Clovis Tauber
Unsupervised spectral clustering for segmentation of dynamic PET images
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2015, 62 (3), pp.840-850. ⟨10.1109/TNS.2015.2399973⟩
Sophie Holowacz, Charlotte Guigne, Gerald Chene, Sandrine Mouysset, Angèle Guilbot, Christian Seyrig, Marc Dubourdeau
A multispecies Lactobacillus-and Bifidobacterium-containing probiotic mixture attenuates body weight gain and insulin resistance after a short-term challenge with a high-fat diet in C57/BL6J mice
PharmaNutrition, 2015, 3 (3), pp.101-107. ⟨10.1016/j.phanu.2015.03.003⟩
Sandrine Mouysset, Hiba Zbib, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Jamal Charara , Joseph Noailles, Sylvie Chalon, Irène Buvat, Clovis Tauber
Segmentation of Dynamic PET Images with Kinetic Spectral Clustering
Dans : Physics in Medicine and Biology, IOP Science, Bristol – UK, Vol. 58, p. 6931-6944, 2013.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Clovis Tauber
Spectral Clustering: interpretation and Gaussian parameter
Dans : Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, Vol. 4, p. 153-162, 2013.
Sandrine Mouysset, Ronan Guivarch, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Segmentation of cDNA Microarray Images using Parallel Spectral Clustering
Dans : Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal (ADCAIJ), Bisite Research Group, Université de Salamanque – Espagne, Vol. special issue #4, p. 5-12, mars 2013.
Accès : –
BibTeXQuoc Viet Dang, Sandrine Mouysset, Géraldine Morin
Détection de Similarités de Surfaces Paramétriques
Dans : Revue Electronique Francophone d’Informatique Graphique, AFIG, Vol. 6, N. 2, p. 50-58, 2012.
Fabien Meslet-Millet, Sandrine Mouysset, Emmanuel Chaput
DCH: A Deep Learning Approach To Universal Header Compression For The Internet of Things
International ACM Conference on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2023), ACM, Oct 2023, Montréal, Québec, Canada. pp.269-276, ⟨10.1145/3616388.3617522⟩
Sophie Mauran, Sandrine Mouysset, Ehouarn Simon, Laurent Bertino
A Kernel Extension of the Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter
23rd International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2023), Jul 2023, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.438-452, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-36027-5_35⟩
Justin Loye, Sandrine Mouysset, Katia Jaffrès-Runser
Emergence de l’imbrication dans l’écosystème du peering public d’Internet
25èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel 2023), CNRS GdR RSD; INRIA; I3S Sophia Antipolis; Université Côte d’Azur, May 2023, Cargese (Corse), France. à paraître
Fabien Meslet-Millet, Sandrine Mouysset, Emmanuel Chaput
NeCSTGen : Génération de Trafic Réseau Réaliste par Apprentissage Profond
8èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de protocoles, l’évaluation de performances et l’expérimentation de Réseaux de communication (CoRes 2023), May 2023, Cargèse, Corse, France. à paraître
Alexandre Dupaquis, Ronan Guivarch, Daniel Ruiz, Sandrine Mouysset, Vincent Charvillat, Frédéric Bouilhaguet
Assignation des opérations d’assistance en escale aéroportuaire : une heuristique décisionnelle gloutonne basée sur les données
24ème Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2023), Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision; Rennes School of Business; IMT Atlantique; Université Rennes 1, Feb 2023, Rennes, France. pp.1–2
Fabien Meslet-Millet, Sandrine Mouysset, Emmanuel Chaput
NeCSTGen: An approach for realistic network traffic generation using Deep Learning
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2022), IEEE, Dec 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. pp.3108-3113, ⟨10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10000731⟩
Saad Mdaa, Anass Ouali Alami, Ronan Guivarch, Sandrine Mouysset
Parallel Spectral Clustering with FEAST Library
2nd International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability (ARTIIS 2022), Sep 2022, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. pp.127-138, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-20319-0_10⟩
Fabien Meslet-Millet, Emmanuel Chaput, Sandrine Mouysset
SPPNet: An Approach For Real-Time Encrypted Traffic Classification Using Deep Learning
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM 2021), IEEE, Dec 2021, Madrid, Spain. pp.1–6, ⟨10.1109/GLOBECOM46510.2021.9686037⟩
Carlos Balsa, Cláudio Alves, Ronan Guivarch, Sandrine Mouysset
Dental Image Segmentation by Clustering Methods
1st International Conference on Advanced Research in Technologies, Information, Innovation and Sustainability (ARTIIS 2021), Nov 2021, La Libertad, Ecuador. pp.3–17, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-90241-4_1⟩
Justin Loye, Sandrine Mouysset, Katia Jaffrès-Runser
Mesure de l’influence d’une pandémie sur l’écosystème de peering Internet
23èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel 2021), Université de La Rochelle, May 2021, La Rochelle, France
Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Iain S. Duff, Philip A. Knight, Daniel Ruiz
Uncovering Hidden Block Structure for Clustering
European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD 2019), Sep 2019, Würzburg, Germany. pp.140-155, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-46150-8_9⟩
Sandrine Mouysset, Jérôme Ermont, Jean-Luc Scharbarg
Limiting over sampling to improve transmission schedulability in a mixed NoC/AFDX architecture
24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019), Sep 2019, Zaragoza, Spain. ⟨10.1109/ETFA.2019.8869037⟩
Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Doubly-stochastic scaling of adjacency matrices for community detection (5th International Conference on Computational Social Science)
5th International Conference on Computational Social Science – IC2S2 2019, Jul 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ghina Abdallah, Jérôme Ermont, Sandrine Mouysset, Jean-Luc Scharbarg
Towards a generic platform for the distribution of avionics applications on manycores
Work-in-Progress Session of 31st ECRTS 2019, Jul 2019, Stuttgart, Germany. pp.4-6
Sandrine Mouysset, Ronan Guivarch
ParKerC: Toolbox for Parallel Kernel Clustering Methods
10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Systems – ICPRS 2019, Jul 2019, Tours, France. ⟨10.1049/cp.2019.0253⟩
Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz, Philip A. Knight, Iain S. Duff
Détection automatique de structures blocs sur des matrices
21ème Conférence sur l’Apprentissage Automatique (CAp 2019), AFIA : Association française pour l’intelligence artificielle, Jul 2019, Toulouse, France. pp.99–108
Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Doubly-stochastic scaling of adjacency matrices for community detection (28th Biennal Conference on Numerical Analysis)
28th Biennal Conference on Numerical Analysis, SIAM-LA : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics – Activity Group on Linear Algebra, Jun 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Doubly-stochastic scaling of adjacency matrices for community detection (Workshop on Graphs, Networks, and their Applications, Moscou, 2019)
Workshop on Graphs, Networks, and their Applications 2019, MIPT: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, May 2019, Moscou, Russia
Jérôme Ermont, Sandrine Mouysset, Jean-Luc Scharbarg, Christian Fraboul
Message scheduling to reduce AFDX jitter in a mixed NoC/AFDX architecture
26th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS’2018), Oct 2018, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, France. pp.234-242, ⟨10.1145/3273905.3273929⟩
Iain Duff, Philip Knight, Luce Le Gorrec, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
An Algorithm Based on Spectral Analysis to Detect Block Structure on Matrices
SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing 2018, Jun 2018, Bergen, Norway
Luce Le Gorrec, Iain Duff, Philip Knight, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Algorithm based on spectral analysis to detect numerical blocks in matrices (Sparse Days, Toulouse, 06/09/17-08/09/17)
Sparse Days Annual Meeting 2017, CERFACS : Centre Européen de recherche et de formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse, France, Sep 2017, Toulouse, France
Iain Duff, Philip Knight, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Identifying blocks in matrices with information from both numerical values and sparsity pattern (Franco-Scottish Seminar 2016)
Franco-Scottish Seminar 2016: workshop on Linear Algebra and Parallel Computing at the Heart of Scientific Computing, Royal Society of Edinburgh; French Embassy in London,, Sep 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Thomas Pellegrini, Sandrine Mouysset
Inferring phonemic classes from CNN activation maps using clustering techniques
Annual conference Interspeech (INTERSPEECH 2016), Sep 2016, San Francisco, United States. pp. 1290-1294
Iain Duff, Philip Knight, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Clustering sparse matrices with information from both numerical values and pattern (SIAM Parallel Processing 2016)
16th Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (SIAM Parallel Processing 2016), SIAM : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Apr 2016, Paris, France
Iain Duff, Philip Knight, Sandrine Mouysset, Daniel Ruiz
Using Matrix Scaling to Identify Block Structure (SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Atlanta, 26/10/15-30/10/15)
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA 2015), SIAM : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Oct 2015, Atlanta, United States
Hiba Zbib, Salam Kdouh, Sandrine Mouysset, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Jamal Charara, Mohammad Nassereddme, Ali Mcheik, Irene Buvat, Clovis Tauber
3D+t segmentation of PET images using spectral clustering
3rd International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME 2015), Sep 2015, Beirut, Lebanon. pp. 49-52
Jean Dumoncel, Gérard Subsol, Stanley Durrleman, José Braga, Amélie Beaudet, Clément Zanolli, Sandrine Mouysset, Jean Pierre Jessel
Comment caractériser la variabilité d’une surface 3D ? Analyse à partir d’exemples en anatomie comparée
GTMG 2015 – Journées du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique, Apr 2015, Poitiers, France. pp.1-9
Sandrine Mouysset, Pierre Hansen, Sylvain Perron
Partitionnement de graphes en multiples noyaux et une périphérie
16ème Conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2015), Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision, Feb 2015, Marseille, France. (support électronique)
Quoc Viet Dang, Sandrine Mouysset, Géraldine Morin
Symmetry-Based Alignment for 3D Model Retrieval
12th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2014), Jun 2014, Klagenfurt, Austria. ⟨10.1109/CBMI.2014.6849816⟩
Quoc Viet Dang, Géraldine Morin, Sandrine Mouysset
Symmetry and Fourier descriptor : a hybrid feature for NURBS based B-Rep models retrieval
Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (3DOR 2014), Apr 2014, Strasbourg, France. pp. 45-52
Hiba Zbib, Sandrine Mouysset, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Jamal Charara, Sylvie Chalon, Laurent Galineau, Irène Buvat, Clovis Tauber
Dynamic PET Image Segmentation Using Spectral Clustering Method (LAAS International Science Conference 2014)
20th LAAS International Science Conference – Advanced Research for Better Tomorrow (2014), Lebanese University in Hadath Campus, Mar 2014, Hadath, Lebanon
Quoc Viet Dang, Sandrine Mouysset, Géraldine Morin
Alignement de modèles 3d paramétriques BRep basé sur la détection de symétries partielles. Application à l’indexation 3D
Journées du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique – GTMG 2014, Mar 2014, Lyon, France. pp. 1-10
Hiba Zbib, Sandrine Mouysset, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Jamal Charara , Sylvie Chalon, Irène Buvat, Clovis Tauber
Optimized spectral clustering for segmentation of dynamic PET images (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering, Tripoli, Lebanon, 11/09/13-13/09/13, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 22-25, 2013.
Quoc Viet Dang, Sandrine Mouysset, Géraldine Morin
Similarity detection for free-form surfaces (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2013), Plzen, 24/06/13-27/06/13, WSCG Digital Library, (support électronique), 2013.
Sandrine Mouysset, Pierre Hansen, Sylvain Perron
On multiple cores/periphery partitioning problem: formulation and algorithm
Dans : 26th European Conference on Operational Research, Rome, 01/07/13-04/07/13.
Sandrine Mouysset, Ronan Guivarch
Sparsification of Parallel Spectral Clustering (regular paper)
Dans : High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2012), Kobe, 17/07/12-20/07/12, Kengo Nakajima, Osni Marques, Michel Daydé (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, p. 249-260, 2013.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Clovis Tauber
Spectral clustering: interpretation and parameter (regular paper)
Dans : Annual Conference of the German Classification Society on Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery, Hildesheim, 01/08/12-03/08/12, Springer, p. 94-94, 2013.
Accès : –
BibTeXQuoc Viet Dang, Sandrine Mouysset, Géraldine Morin
Similarity detection for parametric surfaces
Dans : Curves and Surfaces, Oslo, 28/06/12-03/07/12.
Hiba Zbib, Sandrine Mouysset, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Sylvie Chalon, Laurent Galineau, Irène Buvat, Clovis Tauber
Deterministic spectral clustering for segmentation of dynamic PET images
Dans : hot TOPics in molecular IMaging (TOPIM),, France, 15/04/12-20/04/12.
Hiba Zbib, Sandrine Mouysset, Simon Stute, Jean-Marc Girault, Jamal Charara , Sylvie Chalon, Laurent Galineau, Irène Buvat, Clovis Tauber
Automatic spectral clustering for segmentation of dynamic PET images
Dans : Advancing in Molecular Imaging and Therapy (SNM), Miami, 09/06/12-13/06/12.
Quoc Viet Dang, Sandrine Mouysset, Géraldine Morin
Detection de similarités de Surfaces Paramétriques (regular paper)
Dans : Journées du Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique (GTMG 2012), Strasbourg, 21/03/12-22/03/12, Groupe de Travail en Modélisation Géométrique, (support électronique), 2012.
Philippe Ercolessi, Christine Senac, Hervé Bredin, Sandrine Mouysset
Hierarchical framework for TV series plot de-interlacing based on speakers, dialogues and images (regular paper)
Dans : ACM Workshop on Audio and Multimedia Methods for Large-Scale Video Analysis, Nara, Japan, 29/10/12-02/11/12, Springer, p. 3-8, 2012.
Sandrine Mouysset, Ronan Guivarch, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Parallel Spectral Clustering for the Segmentation of cDNA Microarray Images (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (PACBB 2012), Salamanca, 28/03/12-30/03/12, Springer, p. 1-9, mars 2012.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Classification spectrale : interprétation et résultat (regular paper)
Dans : Rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Orléans, 28/09/11-30/09/11, Société Francophone de Classification (SFC), (support électronique), 2011.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Ronan Guivarch
Microarray image segmentation using parallel spectral clustering (short paper)
Dans : Journées Ouvertes Biologie, Informatique et Mathématiques (JOBIM 2011), Paris, 28/06/11-01/07/11, Institut Pasteur, (support électronique), 2011.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Ronan Guivarch
On a strategy for Spectral Clustering with parallel computation (regular paper)
Dans : High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2010), Berkeley, CA, 22/06/10-25/06/10, Springer-Verlag, p. 408-420, 2011.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz, Ronan Guivarch
A parallel strategy for spectral clustering
Dans : 2nd JFLI Workshop, Paris, 12/10/10-13/10/10.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
On the efficiency of Spectral Clustering : interpretation, parallel computation and results
Dans : 24th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO 2010), Lisbon, Portugal, 11/07/10-14/07/10.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
On an interpretation of Spectral Clustering via Heat equation and Finite Elements theory (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference of Data Mining and Knowledge Engineering (ICDMKE 2010), London, UK, 30/06/10-02/07/10, Vol. 1, International Association of Ingineers (IAENG, p. 267-272, 2010 (Best Paper Award).
Accès :
BibTeXSandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
On the efficiency of Spectral Clustering : interpretation and results
Dans : Sparse Days Meeting, Toulouse, 18/06/09-19/06/09.
Sandrine Mouysset, Joseph Noailles, Daniel Ruiz
Using a Global Parameter for Gaussian Affinity Matrix in Spectral Clustering
Dans : International Meeting High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2008), Toulouse, 24/06/08-27/06/08, Springer-Verlag, (en ligne), juin 2008.
Contributions à l’étude de la classification spectrale et applications
Thèse de doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, décembre 2010.
Résumé Accès :
Philippe Ercolessi, Christine Senac, Hervé Bredin, Sandrine Mouysset
Vers un résumé automatique de séries télévisées basé sur une recherche multimodale d’histoires
Dans : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l’Information, Hermès Science, Vol. 15 N. 2, pp. 41-66, 2012.
Gerald Chene, Charlotte Guigne, Vincent Baillif, Sandrine Mouysset, Marc Dubourdeau
New insight on the resolution of inflammation during peritonitis
Diffusion scientifique. septembre 2010. 16th International Inflammation Research Association Conference
Achraf Bennis, Sandrine Mouysset, Mathieu Serrurier
DPWTE: A Deep Learning Approach to Time-to-Event Analysis using a Sparse Weibull Mixture Layer
Achraf Bennis, Sandrine Mouysset, Mathieu Serrurier
Estimation of conditional mixture Weibull distribution with right-censored data using neural network for time-to-event analysis