Publications de
R. Bolze, Franck Cappello, Eddy Caron, Michel Daydé, Frédéric Desprez, Yvon Jégou, Pascale Primet, Emmanuel Jeannot, Stéphane Lanteri, Julien Leduc, Nouredine Melab, Guillaume Mornet, Raymond Namyst, Benjamin Quetier, Olivier Richard, El-Ghazali Talbi, Irea Touche
Grid’5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable Grid experimental testbed.
Dans : International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), SAGE Publications, Vol. 20 N. 4, p. 481-494, avril 2006.
Frédéric Camillo, Eddy Caron, Ronan Guivarch, Aurélie Hurault, Christian Klein, Christian Pérez
Resource Management Architecture for Fair Scheduling of Optional Computations (regular paper)
Dans : International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing (3PGCIC 2014), Compiegne, 28/10/14-30/10/14, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 113-120, 2013.
Hrachya Astsatryan, Vladimir Sahakyan, Yuri Shoukourian, Michel Daydé, Aurélie Hurault, Marc Pantel, Eddy Caron
A Grid-Aware Web Interface with Advanced Service Trading for Linear Algebra Calculations.
Dans : International Meeting High Performance Computing for Computational Science (VECPAR 2008), Toulouse, 24/06/08-27/06/08, Springer, lncs 5336, p. 150-159, 2008.
Hrachya Astsatryan, Michel Daydé, Aurélie Hurault, Marc Pantel, Eddy Caron
On defining a Web Interface for Linear Algebra Tasks over Computational Grids
Dans : International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT’07), Yerevan (Arménie), 24/09/07-28/09/07.
Franck Cappello, Eddy Caron, Michel Daydé, Frédéric Desprez, Yvon Jégou, Pascale Primet, Emmanuel Jeannot, Stéphane Lanteri, Julien Leduc, Nouredine Melab, Guillaume Mornet, Raymond Namyst, Benjamin Quetier, Olivier Richard
Grid’5000: a large scale and highly reconfigurable Grid experimental testbed
Dans : Grid 2005 – 6th IEEE/ACM Internation Workshop on Grid Computing, Seattle, USA, 13/11/05-14/11/05, IEEE Computer Society Press, novembre 2005.
Accès :
Eddy Caron, Frédéric Desprez, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Christophe Hamerling, Marc Pantel, Chiara Puglisi
Use of A Network Enabled Server System for a Sparse Linear Algebra Application
Dans : Future Generation Grids. Michel Cosnard, Vladimir Getov, Alexander Reinefeld, Domenico Talia (Eds.) , Springer Verlag, Vol. 2, CoreGrid Series, 2005.