Publications de
Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Tzvetomila Slavova
Analysis of the Solution Phase of a Parallel Multifrontal Approach
Dans : Parallel Computing, World Scientific, Vol. doi:10.1016/j.parco.2009.06.00 N. 36, p. 3-15, février 2010.
Résumé Accès :
BibTeXPatrick Amestoy, Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Stéphane Pralet
Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear systems
Dans : Parallel Computing, World Scientific, Vol. 32 N. 2, p. 136-156, 2006.
Emmanuel Agullo, Patrick Amestoy, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche, Guillaume Joslin, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Xiaoye Sherry Li, Artem Napov, François-Henry Rouet, Mohamed Sid-Lakhdar, Shen Wang, Clément Weisbecker, Ichitaro Yamazaki
Recent Advances in Sparse Direct Solvers (regular paper)
Dans : Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMIRT 2013), San Francisco, 18/08/13-23/08/13, Elsevier, (en ligne), septembre 2013.
Accès : –
BibTeXEmmanuel Agullo, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche, Florent Lopez
Multifrontal QR Factorization for Multicore Architectures over Runtime Systems (regular paper)
Dans : EuroPar2013, Aachen, 27/08/13-30/08/13, Vol. 8097, Felix Wolf, Bernd Mohr, Dieter Mey (Eds.), Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 521-532, août 2013.
Accès : –
BibTeXEmmanuel Agullo, Patrick Amestoy, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, François-Henry Rouet
Robust memory-aware mappings for parallel multifrontal factorizations
Dans : SIAM conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP12), Savannah, GA, USA, 15/02/12-17/02/12.
Patrick Amestoy, Alfredo Buttari, Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Mohamed Sid-Lakhdar
Exploiting Multithreaded Tree Parallelism for Multicore Systems in a Parallel Multifrontal Solver
Dans : SIAM conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP12), Savannah, GA, USA, 15/02/12-17/02/12.
Patrick Amestoy, Alfredo Buttari, Philippe Combes, Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Tzvetomila Slavova, Bora Uçar
Overview of MUMPS (A multifrontal Massively Parallel Solver)
Dans : 2nd French-Japonese workshop on Petascale Applications, Algorithms and Programming (PAAP’08), Toulouse, 23/06/08-24/06/08.
Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Tzvetomila Slavova
On the solution phase of a parallel sparse solver in a limited memory environment
Dans : SIAM PP08 (SIAM conference on Parallel Processing), Atlanta, 12/03/08-14/03/08.
Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Tzvetomila Slavova
A Preliminary Analysis of the Out-of-Core Solution Phase of a Parallel Multifrontal Approach
Dans : 4th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA’06), Rennes, 07/09/06-09/09/06.
Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Tzvetomila Slavova
Efficient triangular solution in sparse out-of-core solvers
Dans : Sparse Days Meeting, CERFACS, Toulouse, 15/06/06-16/06/06.
Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Tzvetomila Slavova
Efficient triangular solution in sparse out-of-core solvers
Dans : Sparse Days Meeting, CERFACS, Toulouse, 15/06/06-16/06/06.
Patrick Amestoy, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Tzvetomila Slavova
Out-of-core Parallel Solution
Dans : MUMPS Users Day 2006, ENS-Lyon, 24/10/06.
Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent
Flexible Task Allocation for the Memory Minimization of the Multifrontal Approach
Dans : Second International Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, toulouse, 21/06/05-23/06/05.
Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent
A study of various load information exchange mechanisms for a distributed application using dynamic scheduling
Dans : 19th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS’05), Denver, USA, 03/04/05-08/04/05, IEEE, avril 2005.
Olivier Cozette, Abdou Guermouche, Gil Utard
Study of the paging activity of the parallel multifrontal method
Dans : 3rd International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA’04), CIRM, Marseille, France, 19/10/04-22/10/04.
Patrick Amestoy, Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Stéphane Pralet
Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear systems
Dans : International workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA’04), Marseille (France), néant, octobre 2004.
Patrick Amestoy, Alfredo Buttari, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Bora Uçar
MUMPS (MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Solver)
Dans : Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing. David Padua (Eds.) , Springer, p. 0-0, août 2011.
Accès :
BibTeXPatrick Amestoy, Alfredo Buttari, Iain Duff, Abdou Guermouche, Jean-Yves L’Excellent, Bora Uçar
The multifrontal method
Dans : Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing. David Padua (Eds.) , Springer, p. 0-0, août 2011.
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