Publications de
Carole Bernon, Massimo Cossentino, Juan Pavon
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
Dans : The Knowledge Engineering Review, Cambridge University Press, Simon Parsons (Eds), Cambridge, UK, Vol. 20 N. 2, p. 99-116, juin 2005.
Carole Bernon, Massimo Cossentino, Juan Pavon
An Overview of Current Trends in European AOSE Research
Dans : Informatica, Slovene Society Informatika, Vol. 29 N. 4, p. 379-390, novembre 2005.
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Noelie Bonjean, Antonio Chella, Massimo Cossentino, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Frédéric Migeon, Valeria Seidita
Metamodel-Based Metrics for Agent-Oriented Methodologies (regular paper)
Dans : International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012), Valencia, 04/06/12-08/06/12, Vincent Conitzer, Michael Winikoff, Wiebe van der Hoek, Lin Padgham (Eds.), IFAAMAS, p. 1065-1072, 2012.
Massimo Cossentino, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Ambra Molesini, Andrea Omicini
Process Engineering and AOSE (regular paper)
Dans : Workshop on Agent Oriented Software Engineering (AOSE 2010), TORONTO – Canada, 10/05/10-11/05/10, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Jorge Gomez-Sanz (Eds.), Springer, LNCS 6038, p. 180-190, 2011.
Carole Bernon, Massimo Cossentino, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Paola Turci, Franco Zambonelli
A Study of Some Multi-Agent Meta-Models
Dans : International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering at International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AOSE AAMAS 2004), New-York, USA, 19/07/04, Paolo Giorgini, Jörg Mueller, James Odell (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3382, p. 62-77, juillet 2004.
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The Design of Multi-agent Systems: Methodologies, Patterns and Tools
Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paul Sabatier, octobre 2008.
Massimo Cossentino, Giancarlo Fortino, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Juan Pavon
Simulation-based Design and Evaluation of Multi-Agent Systems
Dans : Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, Vol. 18 N. 10, novembre 2010.
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