Publications de
Farid Jaddi, Béatrice Paillassa
An Adaptive Hierarchical Extension of the DSR: the Cluster Source Routing
Dans : Journal of Universal Computer Science, John Wiley and Sons, Numéro spécial Special Issue of the Journal of Universal Computer Science – selected papers from SAWN, Vol. 13 N. 1, p. 32-55, janvier 2007.
Sakuna Charoenpanyasak, Béatrice Paillassa, Farid Jaddi
Experimental Study on TCP Enhancement Interest in Ad Hoc Networks
Dans : International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2007), guadeloupe, 04/03/07-09/03/07, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (support électronique), mars 2007.
Farid Jaddi, Béatrice Paillassa
Mobility and Density Self Adaptive Routing Strategies in Ad Hoc Networks
Dans : IEEE international conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2006), Vancouver (Canada), 02/10/06-09/10/06, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, (support électronique), octobre 2006.
Sakuna Charoenpanyasak, Béatrice Paillassa, Farid Jaddi
AboutTCP enhancements in adhoc networks
Dans : 2006 Workshop on Research and Development of Next Generation Networks (RD-NGN), Kasetsart university, BangKoK, Thailand, 27/11/06-27/11/06 (conférencier invité).
Farid Jaddi, Béatrice Paillassa
Routage source et clustering dans les réseaux adhoc
Dans : séminaire Féria-Réseaux Protocoles, Toulouse, 16/03/05.
Farid Jaddi, Béatrice Paillassa
An adaptive hierarchical extension of the DSR: The Cluster Source Routing
Dans : ACIS International Workshop on Self-Assembling Wireless Networks (SAWN 2005), Baltimore, 23/05/05-25/05/05, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, p. 460-467, mai 2005 (selected paper).
Farid Jaddi, Béatrice Paillassa
A Cluster Procedure for the Dynamic Source Routing Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks
Dans : 3rd Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, Med-Hoc-Net 2004, Bodrum (Turquie), 27/06/04-30/06/04, ., p. 553, juin 2004.
CSR : une extension hierarchique adaptative du protocole de routage ad hoc DSR
Thèse de doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, octobre 2006.