Publications de
Stéphane Henrion, Corinne Mailhes, Francis Castanié
Transmitting critical biomedical signals over unreliable connectionless channels with good QOS using advanced signal processing
Dans : WSEAS Internation conference on communications, Athens, Greece, 18/01/04-22/07/04, WSEAS, p. 694-700, janvier 2004.
Corinne Mailhes, Francis Castanié, Stéphane Henrion, Louis Lareng, Albert Alonso
The URSAFE telemedicine project: improving health care of the elderly
Dans : MIE2003, Saint Malo, France, 04/05/03-07/05/03, European Federation for Medical Informatics, mai 2003.
Francis Castanié, Corinne Mailhes, Stéphane Henrion
The U-R-Safe project : multidisciplinary approach for a fully nomad care of patients (Invited paper)
Dans : SETIT 2003, Tunisia, 17/03/03-21/03/03, –, mars 2003.
Corinne Mailhes, Francis Castanié, Stéphane Henrion, Louis Lareng, Albert Alonso
The URSAFE project: an innovtive multidisciplinary approach for an anywhere care of the elderly
Dans : 2nd International Telemedicine Symposium, Gothenburg, Sweden, 18/12/02-22/12/02, ??, décembre 2002.