Visit statement form

Welcome !

As a visitor to a Restricted Area (ZRR), you must register in the visitor’s Booklet.
Please complete the form below:

Visit statement

Visitor informations

Host informations

Visit informations

The duration of the visit cannot exceed one week

The personal data collected via this web form will be processed by the Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT UMR 5505). The processing of this data is based on a legal obligation. IRIT is subject to regulations concerning the protection of scientific heritage and is a Restricted Area (ZRR). In this context, any time-limited access to IRIT’s ZRR premises must be registered using the visit statement form. Will have access to your data :
  • According to their respective needs, the administrative services, the UT3 Defense Security Officer and the High Defense Security Officer (HFDS).
Your personal data will be kept for a year and then destroyed.