Publications of
Andres Toom, Arnaud Dieumegard, Marc Pantel
Specification and Validation of Model Transformations for Certified Systems Development (regular paper)
In : Formalisation des Activités Concurrentes (FAC 2012), Toulouse, France, 04/04/12-05/04/12, IRIT, (on line), April 2012.
BibTeXArnaud Dieumegard, Marc Pantel
Vérification dun générateur de code par génération dannotations (short paper)
In : Conférence en Ingénierie du Logiciel (CIEL 2012), Rennes, France, 19/06/12-21/06/12, IRISA, (on line), 2012.
BibTeXTimothy Wang, Arnaud Dieumegard, Eric Feron, Romain Jobredeaux, Marc Pantel, Pierre-Loïc Garoche
Autocoding of Computer-controlled Systems with Control Semantics for Formal Verification (regular paper)
In : Safe and Secure Systems and Software Symposium (S5 2012), Fairborn, Ohio, USA, 12/06/12-14/06/12, UNKNOWN, pp. 0-0, 2012.
Arnaud Dieumegard, Andres Toom, Marc Pantel
Model-based formal specification of a DSL library for a qualified code generator (regular paper)
In : Workshop on OCL and Textual Modelling, Innsbruk, Austria, 30/09/12-05/10/12, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 61-62, 2012.
Benoit Combemale, Xavier Crégut, Arnaud Dieumegard, Marc Pantel, Faiez Zalila
MDE through the Formal Verification of Process Models (regular paper)
In : Educators’ Symposium@MODELS 2011 – Software Modeling in Education, Wellington, New Zealand, 18/10/11, Vol. 52, Electronic Communications of the EASST, (on line), 2012.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXArnaud Dieumegard, Marc Pantel
Vérification d’un générateur de code par génération d’annotations (regular paper)
In : Formalisation des Activités Concurrentes (FAC 2011), Toulouse, France, 06/04/11-07/04/11, LAAS, (on line), April 2011.