Publications of
Julie Lemarié, Robert Lorch, Hélène Eyrolle, Jacques Virbel
SARA: A text-based and reader-based theory of text signaling
In : Educational Psychologist, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah – USA, Vol. 43, pp. 1-23, February 2008.
Hélène Eyrolle, Jacques Virbel, Julie Lemarié
Effect of incomplete correspondance between document titles and their text on users representations: A cognitive and linguistic analysis based on 25 technical documents
In : Applied Ergonomics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 39, pp. 241-246, February 2008.
Jacques Virbel, Brigitte Minondo, Fabrice Evrard, Hélène Eyrolle, Claude Navarro
Document use and managment in dynamic environment supervision
In : EACE, Vol. 3 N. 2, pp. 14-16, 1999.
Hélène Eyrolle, Jacques Virbel
Etude de la fiabilité d’une rubrique méta-documentaire dans des documents techniques écologiques.
In : Production et Compréhension de Documents Techniques, Amiens, 08/12/00-10/12/00.
Hélène Eyrolle, Jacques Virbel, Patrice Terrier
The role of expertise in selecting informations from documents in a dynamic environment supervision activity
In : 14th Trienal Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2000/HFES 2000 Congress), San Diego, 30/07/00-04/08/00, ., pp. 286, July 2000.
Hélène Eyrolle, Jacques Virbel
How Document Use and Management Support a Dynamic Environment ? A case Study of their embedded Relations with a Remedial View
In : IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Hyatt, Orlando, Florida, USA, -, pp. 3210-3214, October 1997.