Publications of
Jamel Feki, Ines Ben Messaoud, Gilles Zurfluh
Building an XML document warehouse
In : Journal of Decision Systems, Hermès Science, Vol. 22 N. 2, pp. 122-148, April 2013.
Abstract URL : –
Ines Ben Messaoud, Jamel Feki, Gilles Zurfluh
A First Step for Building a Document Warehouse: Unification of XML Documents (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Research Challenge in Information Science (RCIS 2012), Valencia, Spain, 06/05/12-18/05/12, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Conference Publications, pp. 1-6, May 2012.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXInes Ben Messaoud, Jamel Feki, Gilles Zurfluh
Modélisation multidimensionnelle dentrepôts de documents XML répartis (regular paper)
In : , Clermont-Ferrand, France, 08/06/11-09/06/11, Hermès, RNTI, pp. 55-70, June 2011.
Ines Ben Messaoud, Jamel Feki, Kaïs Khrouf, Gilles Zurfluh
Unification of XML Document structures for Document Warehouse (Docw) (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2011), Beijing, China, 08/06/11-11/06/11, Vol. DISI, INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, pp. 85-94, June 2011.
Ines Ben Messaoud, Jamel Feki, Gilles Zurfluh
Unification des structures des documents XML pour l’entreposage de documents (regular paper)
In : Atelier sur les Systèmes Décisionnels (ASD 2010), Sfax, Tunisie, 05/11/10-06/11/10, Hanene BEN-ABDALLAH, Azedine BOULMAKOUL, Omar BOUSSAID, Jamel FEKI, Faiez GARGOURI (Eds.), Imprimerie Nouha Editions, pp. 1-12, November 2010.