Publications of Eric ANDONOFF
Dhouha Grissa, Éric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi
Discovering and evaluating organizational knowledge from textual data: Application to crisis management
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2023, 148, pp.102237. ⟨10.1016/j.datak.2023.102237⟩
Jamila Oukharijane, Mohamed Amine Chaabâne, Imen Ben Said, Éric Andonoff, Rafik Bouaziz
Self-adaptive business processes: a hybrid approach for the resolution of adaptation needs
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, 2022, 18 (1), pp.61-83. ⟨10.1007/s11334-021-00417-3⟩
Mohamed Amine Chaâbane, Imen Ben Said, Fatma Ellouze, Rafik Bouaziz, Éric Andonoff
A context-based approach for modelling and querying versions of BPMN processes
International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 2020, 10 (1), pp.62–86. ⟨10.1504/IJBPIM.2020.113117⟩
Hanane Ariouat, Éric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi
Do Process-based Systems Support Emergent, Collaborative and Flexible Processes? Comparative Analysis of Current Systems
Procedia Computer Science, 2016, vol. 96 (n° C), pp. 511-520. ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2016.08.119⟩
Coordination à base de protocoles d’interaction dans le workflow inter organisationnel dynamique
In : Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information (ISI), Hermès Science, Vol. 18, N. 5, pp. 81-105, 2013.
Nicolas Brax, Eric Andonoff, Jean-Pierre Georgé, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Jean-Pierre Mano
MAS4AT : un SMA auto-adaptatif pour le déclenchement d’alertes dans le cadre de la surveillance maritime
In : Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA), Hermès Science, Vol. n°3/2013, pp. 371-395, June 2013.
Eric Andonoff, Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Rafiq Bouaziz, Lotfi Bouzguenda
Modélisation multidimentionnelle des versions de processus
In : Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information (ISI), Hermès Science, Vol. 15, N. 5, pp. 89-114, October 2010.
Cécile Faure, Eric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc, Nicolas Salatgé
Flexibilité de processus de gestion de crise par intégration de protocoles d’interaction
In : Ingénierie des Systèmes d’Information (ISI), Hermès Science, Vol. 15, N. 3, pp. 37-60, June 2010.
Eric Andonoff, Wassim Bouaziz, Chihab Hanachi, Lotfi Bouzguenda
An Agent-based Model for Autonomic Coordination of Inter-Organizational Busines Processes
In : Informatica, IOS Press, Vol. 20 N. 3, pp. 323-342, September 2009.
Lotfi Bouzguenda, Rafiq Bouaziz, Eric Andonoff
Dynamic Plugging of Business Processes in Cross-Organizational Workflow
In : International Journal of Computer Science and Applications (IJCSA), Technomathematics Research Foundation, Bombay – India, Vol. 5 N. 3b, pp. 141-164, 2008.
Eric Andonoff, Wassim Bouaziz, Chihab Hanachi
Protocol Management Systems as a Middleware for Inter-Organizational Workflow Coordination
In : International Journal of Computer Science and Applications (IJCSA), Technomathematics Research Foundation, Bombay – India, Vol. 4 N. 2, pp. 23-41, July 2007.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi
La Coordination dans le Workflow Inter Organisationnel Lâche : une Approche basée sur les Agents et le Web Sémantique
In : Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l’Information, Hermès Science, Vol. 11, N. 3, pp. 127-150, June 2006.
Jamila Oukharijane, Imen Ben Saïd, Mohamed Chaâbane, Éric Andonoff, Rafik Bouaziz
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
20th International Conference on Smart Business Technologies (ICSBT 2023), Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication (INSTICC), Jul 2023, Rome, Italy. pp.114–125, ⟨10.5220/0012148500003552⟩
Colin Poubel, Éric Andonoff, Benoit Gaudou, Chihab Hanachi
From BPMN to GAML: application to crisis management
GAMA Days 2021, Frédéric Amblard; Kevin Chapuis; Alexis Drogoul; Benoit Gaudou; Dominique Longin; Nicolas Verstaevel, Jun 2021, Online, France
Jamila Oukharijane, Mohamed Amine Chaâbane, Imen Ben Said, Éric Andonoff, Rafik Bouaziz
A Hybrid Approach Based on Reuse Techniques for Autonomic Adaptation of Business Processes
19th International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR 2020), Dec 2020, Hammamet, Tunisia. pp.35-51, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-64694-3_3⟩
VigiFlood: a serious game for understanding the challenges of risk communication
16th Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2019), May 2019, Valencia, Spain
Hanane Ariouat, Éric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi
From Declarative Knowledge to Process-based Crisis Resolution: application to Flood Management
52nd Hawai International Conference on Systems Science (HICSS 2019), Jan 2019, Maui, Hawaii, United States. pp.3005-3014
Hanane Ariouat, Éric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi
Process Recommendation using Context in Crisis Management: Application to Flood Management
15th International Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018), Jul 2018, Porto, Portugal. pp.111-122
Hanane Ariouat, Chihab Hanachi, Éric Andonoff, Frederick Benaben
A Conceptual Framework for Social Business Process Management
KES 2017 – Knowledge-based and intelligent information & Engineering Systems, Sep 2017, Marseille, France. p.703-712, ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2017.08.151⟩
Imen Ben Said, Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Rafik Bouaziz, Éric Andonoff
A Version-based Approach to Address Flexibility of BPMN Collaborations and Choreographies
13th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2016), Jul 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. pp. 31-42
Fatma Ellouze, Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Rafik Bouaziz, Éric Andonoff
Addressing inter-organisational process flexibility using versions: The VP2M approach
10th International Conference on Research Challenge in Information Science (RCIS 2016), Jun 2016, Grenoble, France. pp. 1-12
Fatma Ellouze, Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Éric Andonoff, Rafik Bouaziz
Modelling Flexible Collaborative Process: The VCP2M Approach
12th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2015), Jul 2015, Colmar, France. pp. 56-63
Imen Ben Said, Mohamed Amine Chaâbane, Rafiq Bouaziz, Éric Andonoff
Flexibility of Collaborative Processes using Versions and Adaptation Patterns
IEEE 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS 2015), IEEE, May 2015, Athenes, Greece. pp.440–451, ⟨10.1109/RCIS.2015.7128901⟩
Imen Ben Said, Mohamed Amine Chaâbane, Éric Andonoff, Rafiq Bouaziz
BPMN4V: an extension of BPMN for Modelling Adaptive Processes using Version
17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2015), INSTICC : Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, Apr 2015, Barcelone, Spain. pp.258–267, ⟨10.5220/0005376102580267⟩
Imen Ben Said, Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Éric Andonoff, Rafiq Bouaziz
Context-Aware Adaptive Process Information Systems: The Context-BPMN4V Meta-Model
18th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2014), Sep 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia. pp.366–382, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-10933-6_27⟩
Imen Ben Said, Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Éric Andonoff, Rafiq Bouaziz
Extending BPMN 2.0 Meta-models for Process Version Modelling
16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2014), Apr 2014, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.384–393, ⟨10.5220/0004891103840393⟩
Nicolas Brax, Eric Andonoff, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Pierre Glize
Self-adaptive Aided Decision-making – Application to Maritime Surveillance (poster)
In : International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013), Barcelona, 15/02/13-18/02/13, Joaquim Filipe, Ana Fred (Eds.), INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, pp. 419-422, February 2013.
Autonomic Protocol-based Coordination in Dynamic Inter-Organizational Workflow (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Research Challenge in Information Science (RCIS 2013), Paris, 29/05/13-31/05/13, Roel Wieringa, Selmin Nurcan, Colette Rolland, Jean-Louis Cavarero (Eds.), IEEE French Section, pp. 555-566, May 2013.
Eric Andonoff, Wassim Bouaziz, Chihab Hanachi
Coordination à base de protocoles d’interaction dans le workflow inter organisationnel dynamique (regular paper)
In : Conference francophone sur les Systemes Collaboratifs, Sousse, Tunisie, 28/09/12-30/09/12, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Faïez Gargouri (Eds.), Hermès, pp. 153-168, September 2012.
Amel Maaoui, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Eric Andonoff
Extensions des diagrammes UML pour la modélisation de workflow flexible (regular paper)
In : Conférence Francophone sur les Systèmes Collaboratifs, Sousse, Tunisie, 28/09/12-30/09/12, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Faïez Gargouri (Eds.), Hermès, pp. 181-196, September 2012.
Nicolas Brax, Eric Andonoff, Marie-Pierre Gleizes
A Self-adaptive Multi-Agent System for Abnormal Behavior Detection in Maritime Surveillance (regular paper)
In : KES International Conference (KES-AMSTA 2012), Dubrovnick, 25/06/12-27/06/12, Vol. 7327, Springer, pp. 174-185, June 2012.
Nicolas Brax, Jean-Pierre Georgé, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Eric Andonoff, Jean-Pierre Mano
Détection de comportements illicites par SMA adaptatif : application à la surveillance maritime (regular paper)
In : Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2011), Valenciennes, 17/10/11-19/10/11, Cépaduès Editions, pp. 105-114, October 2011.
Imen Ben Said, Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Eric Andonoff
A Model Driven Engineering Approach for Modelling Versions of Business Processes using BPMN (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS 2010), Berlin, 03/05/10-05/05/10, Witold Abramowicz, Robert Tolksdorf (Eds.), Springer, pp. 254-267, May 2010.
Cécile Faure, Eric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc, Nicolas Salatgé
Flexibilité des Processus de Gestion de Crise par Intégration de Protocoles d’Interaction (regular paper)
In : Congrès Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d’Information et de Décision (INFORSID 2009), Toulouse, 26/05/09-29/05/09, Association INFORSID, pp. 77-92, May 2009.
Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Rafiq Bouaziz
Versions to Address Business Process Flexibility Issue (regular paper)
In : East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2009), Riga, 07/09/09-10/09/09, Janis Grundspenkis, Tadeusz Morzy, Gottfried Vossen (Eds.), Springer, pp. 2-14, September 2009.
Dynamic Execution of Coordination Protocols in Open and Distributed Multi-Agent Systems (regular paper)
In : International KES Symposium on Agents and Multi-agent Systems Technologies and Applications, Uppsala, 03/06/09-05/06/09, Anne Hakansson, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Ronald Hartung, Robert Howlett, Lakhmi Jain (Eds.), Springer, pp. 609-618, June 2009.
Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Rafiq Bouaziz, Fayez Gargouri, Eric Andonoff
Designing Evolutionary Workflow Process: a Version-based Approach
In : IEEE International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA 2008), Damascus, Syria, 07/04/08-11/04/08, IEEExplore digital library, pp. 1-6, April 2008.
Mohamed Amine Chaabane, Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Rafiq Bouaziz
Dealing with Business Process Evolution using Versions
In : International Conference On E-Business, Porto, Portugal, 26/07/08-29/07/08, INSTICC Press, pp. 267-278, 2008.
Omar Tahir, Eric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc, Frédéric Benaben
A Collaborative Information System Architecture for Process-based Crisis Management
In : International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES 2008), Zagreb, Croatia, 03/09/08-05/09/08, Springer, LNCS 5179, pp. 630-641, 2008.
Lotfi Bouzguenda, Rafiq Bouaziz, Eric Andonoff
Using Ontologies for Coordination in Loose Inter-Organizational Workflow
In : International Conference on Research Challenge in Information Science (RCIS 2008), Marrakech, 03/06/08-06/06/08, Université Hassan II, pp. 123-132, 2008.
Lotfi Bouzguenda, Rafiq Bouaziz, Eric Andonoff
Utilisation dOntologies pour la Coordination dans le Workflow Inter-Organisationnel Lâche (regular paper)
In : Journées Francophones sur les Ontologies (JFO 2007), Sousse, Tunisie, 18/10/07-20/10/07, Faiez Gargouri, Djamal Benslimane, Pierre Bourque (Eds.), Centre de Publications Universitaires, pp. 341-360, April 2007.
Eric Andonoff, Wassim Bouaziz, Chihab Hanachi
A Protocol Ontology for Inter-Organizational Workflow Coordination
In : East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2007), Varna (Bulgaria), 29/09/07-03/10/07, Springer, pp. 28-40, October 2007.
Eric Andonoff, Wassim Bouaziz, Chihab Hanachi
Protocol Management Systems as a Middleware for Inter-Organizational Workflow Coordination
In : International Conference on Research Challenge in Information Science (RCIS 2007), Ouarzazate, 23/04/07-26/04/07, Université Hassan II, pp. 85-96, 2007.
Towards a Protocol Management System Architecture for Inter-Organizational Workflow Coordination (regular paper)
In : International Workshop on Coordination of Inter-Organizational Workflows: Agent and Semantic Web based Models (CIOW 2006), Hakodate, Japan, 08/05/06-12/05/06, Université Toulouse 1, (electronic medium), January 2006.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda
An Agent-Based Negotiation between Partners in Loose Inter-Organizational Workflow
In : IAT¿05, ACM, IEEE International Conference On Intelligent Agent, Compiègne-France, 19/09/05-22/09/05, xx, September 2005.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi
Specifying Web Workflow Services for finding partners in the context of loose Inter-Organizational Workflow
In : BPM¿05, the third International Conference on Business Process Management, Nancy-France, LNCS 3649, pp. 120-136, September 2005.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi
Specifying Workflow Web Services using Petri Nets with Objects and Generating of their OWL-S Specifications
In : EC-Web¿05, the 6th International Conference on Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies, Copenhagen-Denmark, 23/08/05-26/08/05, LNCS 3590, pp. 41-52, August 2005.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc
Using Agent Technology for coordination in Loose Inter-Organizational Workflow
In : the 3rd International Workshop on Agent-based Computing for Enterprise Collaborationat WETICE¿05, Linkoping Univ-Sweden, 13/06/05-15/06/05, IEEE Computer Society Press, June 2005.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi
Modélisation de Services Workflow à l¿aide des Réseaux de Pétri à Objets et Génération de leurs Spécifications en DAML-S
In : Entreprise Communicante et Interopérabilité, ECI’05, Paris-France, 08/03/05, x-x, March 2005.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc
Finding partners in the coordination of Loose Inter-Organizational Workflow
In : the 6th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems,COOP’04, Hyères-France, 11/05/04-14/05/04, IOS Press, pp. 147-162, May 2004.
Eric Andonoff, Lotfi Bouzguenda, Chihab Hanachi, Christophe Sibertin-Blanc
Une Architecture et un Modèle Organisationnel Orientés Agent pour le Workflow Inter-Organisationnel Lâche
In : XX IIème Congrès INFORSID¿04, Biarritz-France, 26/05/04-28/05/04, Inforsid, Les Bastidonnes-13122 Ventabren, pp. 461-479, May 2004.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc
A Database Interface Integrating a Query Language for Versions
In : 14ièmes journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA’98), Hammamet (Tunisie), BDA, October 1998.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc
A Database Interface Integrating a Querying Language for Versions
In : Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS’98), Poznan (Pologne), Springer-Verlag, LNCS N° 1475, pp. 200-211, September 1998.
Eric Andonoff, Frédéric Bret, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc
VOGQL : Un Langage Graphique pour Objets et Versions
In : Journées O2 Technology – 13 èmes journées Bases de Données Avancées (BDA’97), Grenoble, BDA, September 1997.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc
Interrogation de Bases de Données intégrant des Versions
In : INFormatique des ORganisations et des Systèmes d’Information et de Décision, –, -, pp. 225-246, June 1997.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc, Gilles Zurfluh
A Query Algebra for Object-Oriented Databases Intergating Versions
In : 3rd Basque International Workshop on Information Technology, BIWIT, -, pp. 82-92, July 1997.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc, Gilles Zurfluh
Conceptual Modeling of Versions in OMT
In : 15th International Conference on the Entity Relationship Approach, Cottbus (Germany), -, October 1996.
Eric Andonoff, Catherine Mendiboure
Help Tools for Database Querying: the OHQL proposal
In : 2nd Basque International Workshop on Information Technology, –, -, pp. 203-212, July 1995.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc, Gilles Zurfluh
Modeling Inheritance, Composition and Relationship Links between Objects, Object Versions and Class Versions
In : 7th Conference on Advanced information System Engineering, –, -, pp. 96-111, June 1995.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Christian Sallaberry
A graphic tool for complex and multimedia database querying
In : International Workshop on Information Technology (BIWIT’94), Biarritz, France, 07/02/94-09/02/94, CEPADUES, pp. 195-207, February 1994.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Christian Sallaberry
OHQL : A Database Querying Environment Intended For Naive Users
In : 2nd East-West International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (EWHCI’94), St. Petersbourg, Russie, 02/08/94-05/08/94, EWHCI, pp. 119-128, August 1994.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Christian Sallaberry
CHOLQ : an object-oriented database querying environment
In : 6ième Conférence Internationale sur le Génie Logiciel & ses Applications, Paris, France, 01/11/93, EC2, pp. 203-214, November 1993.
Eric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi, Selmin Nurcan
Adaptation des processus d’entreprise
In : L’adaptation dans tous ses états. Philippe Lopisteguy, Dominique Rieu, Philippe Roose (Eds.) , Cépaduès Editions, 3, pp. 78-122, October 2012.
D. Herin-Aimé, B. Espinasse, Eric Andonoff, Chihab Hanachi
Des Systèmes d’Information Coopératifs aux Agents Informationnels
In : Ingéniérie des Systèmes d’Information, Chapter 8. C. Cauvet, C. Rosenthal-Sabroux (Eds.) , Hermes, pp. 209-244, 2001.
Eric Andonoff, Gilles Hubert, Annig Le Parc, Gilles Zurfluh
Langages de version d’objets
In : Génie Objet : analyse et conception de l’évolution. Chabane Oussalah (Eds.) , Hermès, Chapitre 9, 1999.
Nicolas Brax, Eric Andonoff, Marie-Pierre Gleizes, Pierre Glize
Self-adaptive Aided Decision-making – Application to Maritime Surveillance (poster)
In : International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2013), Barcelona, 15/02/13-18/02/13, Joaquim Filipe, Ana Fred (Eds.), INSTICC – Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, pp. 419-422, February 2013.