Publications of
Nancy Rodriguez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Patrice Torguet
A Virtual Reality Tool for Teleoperation Research
In : Virtual Reality Society Journal, Springer Verlag London Ltd, Vol. 6 N. 2, pp. 57-62, 2002.
Souad Elmerhebi, Patrice Torguet, Nancy Rodriguez, Jean-Pierre Jessel
The Effect Management in Distributed Virtual Environments
In : IEEE International Symposium and School on Advance Distributed Systems (ISSADS 2006), Guadalajara, Mexico, 25/01/06-27/01/06, Universidad de Guadalajara, (electronic medium), January 2006.
Nancy Rodriguez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Patrice Torguet, Ana Carrillo, Jacques Delteil
IMAGE: A Middleware for Heterogeneous Simulations Interoperability
In : SISO European Simulation Interoperability Workshop (Euro-SIW), Toulouse, 27/06/05-30/06/05, SISOIEEE/ITCMS, 445 Hoes LanePiscataway, NJ 08855, pp. 337-344, June 2005.
Nancy Rodriguez, Luis Pulido, Jean-Pierre Jessel
Enhanceing a Telerobotics Java tool with Augmented Reality
In : 4th International Symposium on Advanced Distributed Systems, Gadalajara, Mexique, 08/01/04-10/01/04, ?, January 2004.
Nancy Rodriguez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Patrice Torguet
A Cooperative Teleoperation Research Tool
In : International Symposium in Robotics, Stockholm – Suede, 07/10/02-11/10/02, (electronic medium), October 2002 (to appear).
Nancy Rodriguez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Patrice Torguet
Virtual Reality in Cooperative Teleoperation
In : Ibero-American Symposium in Computer Graphics (SIACG 2002), Guimaraes-Portugal, 02/07/02-05/07/02, Grupo Portugues de Computaçao Grafica (Eurographics Portuguese Chapter), pp. 149-154, July 2002.
Olivier Heguy, Nancy Rodriguez, Hervé Luga, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Yves Duthen
Virtual Environment for cooperative Assistance in Teleoperation
In : WSCG 2001, Plzen, République Tchèque, 05/02/01-09/02/01, Vydala Zapadoceska univerzita v Plzni University of West Bohemia, Plzen Czech Republic , ISBN 80-7082-713-0, pp. 9-13, February 2001.
Nancy Rodriguez, Jean-Pierre Jessel, Patrice Torguet
ASSET: A Testbed for Teleoperation Systems
In : WSES-IEEE International Conference on Simulation SIM01, Malte, 01/09/01-06/09/01, WSES-IEEE, September 2001.
Nancy Rodriguez, Olivier Heguy, Jean-Pierre Jessel
Assistance coopérative pour la téléopération
In : Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Robotique, Rennes, F, 20/09/00, ., September 2000.
ASSET : une architecture générale pour la télérobotique
Master’s Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, January 2003.