Publications of
Céline Frongia, Corinne Lorenzo, Frédérick Gianni, Grégoire Pierre Prevost, Bernard Ducommun, Valérie Lobjois
3D imaging of the response to CDC25 inhibition in multicellular spheroids
In : Cancer Biology & Therapy, Landes Bioscience, Austin – USA, Vol. 8 N. 3, pp. 7-13, December 2009.
Jonathan Pascalie, Valérie Lobjois, Hervé Luga, Bernard Ducommun, Yves Duthen
Checkpoint Orientated Cell Cycle simulation – Issues on Synchronized situation (regular paper)
In : Conference on Artificial Life (ALIFE 2012), Lansing (USA), 19/07/12-22/07/12, Christopher Adami, David M. Bryson, Charles Ofria, Robert Pennock (Eds.), The MIT Press, pp. 465-472, July 2012.
Jonathan Pascalie, Valérie Lobjois, Hervé Luga, Bernard Ducommun, Yves Duthen
Checkpoint oriented cell-cycle simulation: critical role for age distribution initialization (short paper)
In : Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2012), Philadelphia, 07/07/12-11/07/12, Terence Soule, Jason Moore (Eds.), ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1425-1426, July 2012.
Jonathan Pascalie, Valérie Lobjois, Hervé Luga, Bernard Ducommun, Yves Duthen
The OnkoSphere Project (poster)
In : International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (Bionetics 2010), Boston, USA, 01/12/10-03/12/10, Springer, (electronic medium), 2011.
Jonathan Pascalie, Valérie Lobjois, Hervé Luga, Bernard Ducommun, Yves Duthen
A Checkpoint-Orientated Model to Simulate Unconstrained Proliferation of Cells (regular paper)
In : European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL 2011), Paris, 09/08/11-12/08/11, The MIT Press, pp. 630-637, August 2011.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXFrançois De Vieilleville, Pierre Weiss, Valérie Lobjois, Denis Kouamé
Restauration 3D en imagerie fluorescente par feuille de lumière avec implantation sur GPU (regular paper)
In : Colloque du Groupe de Recherche sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI 2011), Bordeaux, 05/09/11-08/09/11, GRETSI : Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images, (electronic medium), September 2011.
François De Vieilleville, Pierre Weiss, Valérie Lobjois, Denis Kouamé
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Applied to 3D Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Image Deblurring Using GPU Hardware (regular paper)
In : IEEE Annual International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology (EMBC 2011), Boston, USA, 30/08/11-03/09/11, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 4872-4875, September 2011.
Jonathan Pascalie, Hervé Luga, Valérie Lobjois, Bernard Ducommun
A Checkpoint-Orientated Modelling for Cell-Cycle Simulation (short paper)
In : International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (Bionetics 2010), Boston, 01/12/10-03/12/10, Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, (electronic medium), December 2010.
François De Vieilleville, Adrian Basarab, Denis Kouamé, Valérie Lobjois
Lightsheet fluorescence microscopy images deblurring with background estimation (regular paper)
In : IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, San Francisco, 06/10/10-08/10/10, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 254-259, October 2010.
Jonathan Pascalie, Valérie Lobjois, Hervé Luga, Bernard Ducommun, Yves Duthen
The OnkoSphere Project (poster)
In : International ICST Conference on Bio-Inspired Models of Network, Information, and Computing Systems (Bionetics 2010), Boston, USA, 01/12/10-03/12/10, Springer, (electronic medium), 2011.