Publications of
Adrian Basarab, Andrej Lyshchik, Cristian Grava, Vasile Buzuloiu, Philippe Delachartre
Ultrasound image sequence registration and its application for thyroid nodular disease
In : Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Springer, Vol. 55 N. 1-3, pp. 127-137, April 2009.
Adrian Basarab, Hervé Liebgott, Fabrice Morestin, Andrej Lyshchik, Tatsuya Higashi, Ryo Asato, Philippe Delacharte
A method for vector displacement estimation with ultrasound images and its application for thyroid nodular disease
In : Medical Image Analysis, Elsevier, Vol. 12 N. 3, pp. 259-274, 2008.
Jessica Olivier, Adrian Basarab, Andrej Lyshchik, Philippe Delachartre
A 2D least square differentiation filter for tensorial elastography (regular paper)
In : IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, San Diego, 11/01/10-14/10/10, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 1624-1627, October 2010.
Adrian Basarab, Andrej Lyshchik, Philippe Delachartre
Multi-frame motion estimation for freehand elastography and its application to thyroid tumor imaging (regular paper)
In : IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro (ISBI 2008), Paris, 14/05/08-17/05/08, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 532-535, May 2008.