Publications of
Marc Macé, Arnaud Delorme, Ghislaine Richard, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Spotting animals in natural scenes: efficiency of humans and monkeys at very low contrasts.
In : Animal Cognition, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 13 N. 3, pp. 405-418, November 2009.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXMarc Macé, Olivier Joubert, Jean-Luc Nespoulous, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
The time-course of visual categorizations: you spot the animal faster than the bird.
In : PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science (PLoS), San Francisco – USA, Vol. 4 N. 6, pp. 5927, 2009.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXGuillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Simon Thorpe, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Limits of event-related potential differences in tracking object processing speed.
In : Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, The MIT Press, Vol. 19 N. 8, pp. 1241-1258, 2007.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXMarc Macé, Ghislaine Richard, Arnaud Delorme, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Rapid categorization of natural scenes in monkeys: Target predictability and processing speed
In : NeuroReport, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia – USA, Vol. 16 N. 4, pp. 349-354, 2005.
Marc Macé, Simon Thorpe, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Rapid categorization of achromatic natural scenes: how robust at very low contrasts?
In : European Journal of Neuroscience, Wiley, Vol. 21 N. 7, pp. 2007-2018, 2005.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXNadège Bacon-Macé, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Simon Thorpe
The time course of visual processing: Backward masking and natural scene categorization
In : Vision research, Elsevier, Vol. 45 N. 11, pp. 1459-1469, 2005.
Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Spatiotemporal analyses of the N170 for human faces, animal faces and objects in natural scenes
In : NeuroReport, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia – USA, Vol. 15 N. 17, pp. 2607-2611, 2004.
Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Comparing animal and face processing in the context of natural scenes using a fast categorization task
In : Neurocomputing, Elsevier, Vol. 58-60, pp. 783-791, 2004.
Arnaud Delorme, Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Interaction of top-down and bottom-up processing in the fast visual analysis of natural scenes.
In : Brain research, Elsevier, Vol. 19 N. 2, pp. 103-113, 2004.
Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Animals and Humans faces in natural scenes: How specific to human faces is the N170 ERP component?
In : Journal of Vision, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Vol. 4 N. 1, pp. 13-21, 2004.
Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Is it an animal? Is it a human face? Fast processing in upright and inverted natural scenes.
In : Journal of Vision, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), Vol. 3 N. 6, pp. 440-456, 2003.
Simon Thorpe, Sébastien Crouzet, Marc Macé, Nadège Bacon-Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Masking in a high-level gender discrimination task is essentially entirely pre-cortical (poster)
In : Annual meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS 2009), Floride, 08/05/09-13/05/09, Vol. 9, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 8, pp. 546-546, 2009.
Denis Fize, Maxime Cauchoix, Christophe Jouffrais, Ghislaine Richard, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Processing dynamics of natural visual scenes measured from EEG in monkeys
In : GDR Vision, Toulouse, France, 04/06/09-05/06/09.
Denis Fize, Ghislaine Richard, Christophe Jouffrais, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
EEG signals of rapid visual categorization in monkeys, in V4 area
In : VSS, Naples, Florida, 08/05/09-13/05/09.
Denis Fize, Ghislaine Richard, Christophe Jouffrais, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
EEG in head-free monkeys engaged in a rapid visual categorisation task
In : Primate Neurobiology Meeting, Tubingen, Germany, 27/02/08-29/02/08.
Denis Fize, Ghislaine Richard, Christophe Jouffrais, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
EEG in free heading monkeys engaged in a rapid visual categorisation task
In : Primate Neurobiology Meeting, Tübingen, Germany, 27/02/08-29/02/08.
Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Simon Thorpe
Teasing apart meaningful from meaningless ERP differences in object categorization: a complicated story
In : Annual meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS 2006), Saratosa, USA, 05/05/06-10/05/06, Vol. 6, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 6 85, pp. 1-1, January 2006.
Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Nadège Bacon-Macé, Marc Macé
Coarse to fine processing in natural scene categorisation
In : European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS 2005), Dublin, Irlande, 24/09/05-27/09/05, Vol. 37, Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 1 1, pp. 52-52, January 2005.
Marc Macé, Guillaume Rousselet, Olivier Joubert, Rufin Vanrullen, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Reconnaissance d’objets et représentations visuelles précoces
In : Centre de Recherches sur la Cognition Animale (CRCA), Toulouse, 01/01/05-01/01/05 (invited speaker).
Marc Macé, Guillaume Rousselet, Olivier Joubert, Rufin Vanrullen, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Object recognition and early visual representations
In : Institut des Sciences du Cerveau de Toulouse (IFR96), Toulouse, 01/01/05-01/01/05.
Marc Macé, Olivier Joubert, Arnaud Delorme, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Object recognition: what is the magnocellular pathway good for?
In : Vision and Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (VisLab), Hamilton, Canada, 01/01/05-01/01/05.
Marc Macé, Simon Thorpe, Arnaud Delorme, Ghislaine Richard, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Catégorisation de scènes naturelles : robustesse du système visuel aux larges variations de contraste
In : 3èmes journées de la Vision, Paris, 01/01/05-01/01/05 (invited speaker).
Marc Macé, Olivier Joubert, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Entry level at the superordinate level in visual categorization
In : International Conference on Cognitive and Neural Systems – Annual meeting of the Vision Science Society (stems icCNS 2005), Boston, 18/05/05-21/05/05, Vol. 1, Boston University, 1 1, pp. 1-1, December 2005.
Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Marc Macé, Olivier Joubert
Dog or animal? What comes first in vision?
In : European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2005), Corogne, Espagne, 22/08/05-26/08/05, Vol. 34, Pion, pp. 1-1, December 2005.
Nadège Bacon-Macé, Marc Macé, Holle Kirchner, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Simon Thorpe
Dynamics of rapid scene categorization: Backward masking and RSVP studies.
In : European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS 2003), Barcelone, Espagne, 17/09/03-20/09/03, Vol. 63, Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, C 2, pp. 20-20, December 2003.
Marc Macé, Ghislaine Richard, Simon Thorpe, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Category-level Hierarchy: What comes first in Vision?
In : European Brain and Behaviour Society (EBBS 2003), Barcelone, Espagne, 17/09/03-20/09/03, Vol. 63, Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, C 20, pp. 24-24, December 2003.
Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Comparing animal and face processing in the context of natural scenes using a fast categorization task
In : Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, Alicante, Espagne, 05/07/03-09/07/03, Vol. 1, University Miguel Hernández, 1 1, pp. 1-1, December 2003.
Abstract URL : object processing – natural scenes – faces – animals – temporal constraint – inversion effect
BibTeXSimon Thorpe, Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Rapid categorization of natural scenes: feedforward vs. feedback contribution evaluated by backward masking
In : European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2002), Glasgow, Ecosse, 24/08/02-29/08/02, Vol. 31, Pion, 1 132, pp. 1-1, December 2002.
Guillaume Rousselet, Marc Macé, Caitlin Sternberg, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Simon Thorpe
Rapid categorization of faces and animals in upright and inverted natural scenes: no need for mental rotation and evidence for a selective visual streaming of upright faces
In : European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2002), Glasgow, Ecosse, 25/08/02-29/08/02, Vol. 31, Pion, 1 132, pp. 1-1, December 2002.
Marc Macé, Guillaume Rousselet, Caitlin Sternberg, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Simon Thorpe
Very early ERP effects in rapid visual categorisation of natural scenes: Distinguishing the role of low-level visual properties and task requirements
In : European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2002), Glasgow, Ecosse, 25/08/02-29/08/02, Vol. 31, Pion, 1 150, pp. 1-1, December 2002.
Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Simon Thorpe
How robust is rapid visual categorization of natural images to large variations of contrast?
In : Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, USA, 14/04/02-16/04/02, Vol. 1, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Suppl, A 108, pp. 40-40, August 2002.
Michèle Fabre-Thorpe, Marc Macé, Simon Thorpe
Rapid visual categorisation of grey-scale natural scenes: robustness to large variations in luminance and contrast
In : European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP 2001), Kusadasi, Turquie, 26/08/01-30/08/01, Vol. 30, Pion, 1 72, pp. 1-1, December 2001.
Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Catégorisation visuelle rapide de scènes naturelles chez l’homme et le singe : robustesse des performances aux modifications de contraste et de luminance (poster)
In : Colloque des Neurosciences, Toulouse, France, 28/05/01-31/05/01, Vol. 1, Compte-rendus du 5ème Colloque des Neurosciences, 1 1, pp. 1-1, December 2001.
Simon Thorpe, Sébastien Crouzet, Marc Macé, Nadège Bacon-Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Masking in a high-level gender discrimination task is essentially entirely pre-cortical (poster)
In : Annual meeting of the Vision Science Society (VSS 2009), Floride, 08/05/09-13/05/09, Vol. 9, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO), 8, pp. 546-546, 2009.
Marc Macé, Michèle Fabre-Thorpe
Catégorisation visuelle rapide de scènes naturelles chez l’homme et le singe : robustesse des performances aux modifications de contraste et de luminance (poster)
In : Colloque des Neurosciences, Toulouse, France, 28/05/01-31/05/01, Vol. 1, Compte-rendus du 5ème Colloque des Neurosciences, 1 1, pp. 1-1, December 2001.