Publications of
Brian F.G. Katz, Slim Kammoun, Gaetan Parseihian, Olivier Gutierrez, Adrien Brilhault, Malika Auvray, Philippe Truillet, Michel Denis, Simon Thorpe, Christophe Jouffrais
NAVIG: Augmented reality guidance system for the visually impaired: Combining object localization, GNSS, and spatial audio
In : Virtual Reality, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 16 N. 3, pp. 17, 2012.
Slim Kammoun, Gaetan Parseihian, Olivier Gutierrez, Adrien Brilhault, Antonio Serpa, Mathieu Raynal, Bernard Oriola, Marc Macé, Malika Auvray, Michel Denis, Simon Thorpe, Philippe Truillet, Brian F.G. Katz, Christophe Jouffrais
Navigation and space perception assistance for the visually impaired: The NAVIG project
In : IRBM, Elsevier, Special issue Numéro spécial ANR TECSAN, Vol. 33 N. 2, pp. 182-189, April 2012.
Brian F.G. Katz, Florian Dramas, Gaetan Parseihian, Olivier Gutierrez, Slim Kammoun, Adrien Brilhault, Lucie Brunet, Mathieu Gallay, Bernard Oriola, Malika Auvray, Philippe Truillet, Michel Denis, Simon Thorpe, Christophe Jouffrais
NAVIG: Guidance system for the visually impaired using virtual augmented reality
In : Technology and Disability, IOS Press, Vol. 24 N. 2, pp. 163-178, June 2012.
Gaetan Parseihian, Christophe Jouffrais, Brian F.G. Katz
Auditory localization and reaching movements in the peripersonal space
In : Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France, 23/04/12-27/04/12.
Florian Dramas, Marc Macé, Brian F.G. Katz, Christophe Jouffrais
Object Localization System for the Blind: Designing a User-Centered Auditory Interface (regular paper)
In : Annual International Technology & Persons with Disabilities Conference (CSUN Conference 2010), San Diego, CA, 22/03/10-27/03/10, CSUN Conference, (electronic medium), March 2010.
Brian F.G. Katz, Philippe Truillet, Simon Thorpe, Christophe Jouffrais
NAVIG: Navigation Assisted by Artificial Vision and GNSS (regular paper)
In : Workshop on Multimodal Location Based Techniques for Extreme Navigation – Pervasive 2010 conference, Helsinki, Finland, 17/05/10-17/05/10, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, (electronic medium), 2010.
Florian Dramas, Brian F.G. Katz, Christophe Jouffrais
Auditory-guided reaching movements in the peripersonal frontal space (poster)
In : Acoustics, Paris, 29/06/08-04/07/08, Vol. 123, Acoustical Society of America, pp. 3723, 2008.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXFlorian Dramas, Bernard Oriola, Brian F.G. Katz, Simon Thorpe, Christophe Jouffrais
Designing an assistive device for the blind based on object localization and augmented auditory reality (poster)
In : International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2008), Halifax, Canada, 13/10/08-15/10/08, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, (on line), October 2008.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXFlorian Dramas, Brian F.G. Katz, Christophe Jouffrais
Localisation de cibles auditives : résultats préliminaires dune étude dans lespace péri-personnel
In : Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Audition, Acoustique musicale et Signal audio, Toulouse, 12/03/08-14/03/08.
Florian Dramas, Simon Thorpe, Brian F.G. Katz, Christophe Jouffrais
Object recognition and localization for the blinds. From the assistive device towards the neuroprosthesis
In : From Neural Code to Brain/Machine Interface, Paris, 27/09/07-29/09/07.
Florian Dramas, Brian F.G. Katz, Christophe Jouffrais
Auditory-guided reaching movements in the peripersonal frontal space (poster)
In : Acoustics, Paris, 29/06/08-04/07/08, Vol. 123, Acoustical Society of America, pp. 3723, 2008.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXFlorian Dramas, Bernard Oriola, Brian F.G. Katz, Simon Thorpe, Christophe Jouffrais
Designing an assistive device for the blind based on object localization and augmented auditory reality (poster)
In : International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS 2008), Halifax, Canada, 13/10/08-15/10/08, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, (on line), October 2008.
Abstract URL :