Publications of
Eric Schmidlin, Christophe Jouffrais, Patrick Freund, Patrizia Wannier, Marie-Laure Beaud, Eric M. Rouiller, Thierry Wannier
A case of polymicrogyria in macaque monkey: impact on anatomy and function of the motor system (first 2 authors contributed equally)
In : BMC Neuroscience, BioMed Central, London – UK, Vol. 10 N. 155, (on line), December 2009.
Abstract URL : –
BibTeXCaroline Durif, Christophe Jouffrais, Eric M. Rouiller
Single-unit responses in the auditory cortex of monkeys performing a conditional acousticomotor task
In : Experimental Brain Research, Springer, Vol. 153 N. 4, pp. 614-627, December 2003.
Thierry Wannier, J. Liu, Anne Morel, Christophe Jouffrais, Eric M. Rouiller
Neuronal activity in primate striatum and pallidum related to bimanual motor actions
In : NeuroReport, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia – USA, Vol. 13 N. 1, pp. 143-147, January 2002.
Caroline Durif, Christophe Jouffrais, Eric M. Rouiller
Single unit activity in auditory cortical areas of monkeys performing an acoustico-motor conditional task
In : Meeting of the Federation of the European Neuroscience Societies, Paris, 13/07/02-17/07/02.
Eric M. Rouiller, Caroline Durif, Christophe Jouffrais
Functional and connectional properties of the auditory cortex in macaque monkeys in relation to acoustico-motor integration
In : Symposium “Central Auditory Processing”, Monte-Verita, Ascona, Switzerland, 05/12/02 (invited speaker).
Eric M. Rouiller, Christophe Jouffrais, Caroline Durif
Activités neuronales en relation avec le contexte, l’attention et/ou la mémoire de travail
In : Meeting annuel de l’Association Suisse des Neuro-Psychologues – Journées Scientifiques “Attention et Mémoire”, Fribourg, Switzerland, 18/09/02 (invited speaker).
Christophe Jouffrais, Eric M. Rouiller
The dorsal premotor cortex : gaze signals and directional coding
In : Society For Neuroscience meeting, New Orleans, 04/11/00-09/11/00.
Christophe Jouffrais, Eric M. Rouiller
The bimanual coordination: single unit activity in the motor and premotor cortices of rhesus monkeys
In : “Action and Visuo-Spatial Attention” Meeting, Paris, 25/11/00.
Christophe Jouffrais, Eric Schmidlin, Eric M. Rouiller
Single unit activity related to interlimb coordination in the primary motor (M1) and dorsal premotor (PMd) cortices of rhesus monkeys
In : Meeting of the Federation of the European Neuroscience Societies (FENS), Paris, 13/07/00-17/07/00.
Christophe Jouffrais, Eric M. Rouiller
Neuronal activity related to bimanuel coordination in the motor and premotor cortices of rhesus monkeys
In : Forum of European Neuroscience – Poster session, Brighton, UK, 24/06/00-28/06/00, Vol. 12, Blackwell Publishing, European Journal of Neuroscience, pp. 197, 2000.