Publications of Iulian OBER
Guillaume Vidot, Christophe Gabreau, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
Qualification of Avionic Software Based on Machine Learning: Challenges and Key Enabling Domains
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 2024, 21 (5), pp.367-379. ⟨10.2514/1.I011164⟩
Mélanie Ducoffe, Christophe Gabreau, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober, Eric Guillaume Vidot
Certification of avionic software based on machine learning: the case for formal monotony analysis
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2024, 26 (2), pp.189-205. ⟨10.1007/s10009-024-00741-6⟩
Mélanie Ducoffe, Christophe Gabreau, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober, Eric Guillaume Vidot
Certification of avionic software based on machine learning: the case for formal monotony analysis
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 2024, 26 (2 – Special Issue: FMICS 2022), pp.189–205. ⟨10.1007/s10009-024-00741-6⟩
Guillaume Vidot, Christophe Gabreau, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
Qualification of Avionic Software based on Machine Learning : Challenges and Key Enabling Domains
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, 2024, 21 (5), pp.367-379. ⟨10.2514/1.I011164⟩
Iulian Ober, Kamal Boumaza, Cherif Tolba
Formal Verification of Emergent Properties
Informatica, 2021, 45 (3), ⟨10.31449/inf.v45i3.3160⟩
Mickaël Trezzy, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober, Raquel Oliveira
Applying MDE to ROS Systems: A Comparative Analysis
Scientific Annals of Computer Science, 2021, 31 (1), pp.111 – 144. ⟨10.7561/sacs.2021.1.111⟩
Iulia Dragomir, Iulian Ober, Christian Percebois
Contract-based modeling and verification of timed safety requirements within SysML
Software and Systems Modeling, 2015, 16 (2), pp.587-624. ⟨10.1007/s10270-015-0481-1⟩
Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober, Iulia Dragomir, El Arbi Aboussoror
UML/SysML semantic tunings
In : Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, Springer – ISSE NASA, Vol. 7 N. 4, pp. 257-264, November 2011.
URL : –
BibTeXEric Conquet, François-Xavier Dormoy, Iulia Dragomir, Alain Le Guennec, David Lesens, Piotr Nienaltowski, Iulian Ober
Modèles système, modèles logiciel et modèles de code dans les applications spatiales
In : Génie Logiciel, GL & IS, Meudon – France, Vol. 1, N. 97, pp. 9-15, June 2011.
Xavier Dumas, Sébastien Gabel, Julien Honore, Maurice Heitz, Iulian Ober
Une implémentation TOPCASED supportant un processus multi-formalisme de développement par transformation de modèles
In : Revue de l’Electricité et de l’Electronique (REE), Société de l’Electricité, de l’Electronique et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (SEE), Paris, Vol. 2009, N. 2, pp. 45-51, February 2009.
BibTeXIulian Ober, Susanne Graf, Yuri Yushtein, Ileana Ober
Timing analysis and validation with UML: the case of the embedded MARS bus manager
In : Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, Springer, Vol. 4 N. 3, pp. 301-308, August 2008.
Josef Hooman, Iulian Ober, Hillel Kugler, Angelika Votintseva, Yuri Yushtein
Supporting UML-based Development of Embedded Systems by Formal Techniques
In : Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 7 N. 2, pp. 131-155, May 2008.
Software and architecture modelling with Omega-UML and validation with IF
In : Génie Logiciel, GL & IS, Meudon – France, Vol. 1, N. 80, pp. 21-26, 2007.
Iulian Ober, Susanne Graf, Ileana Ober
Validating timed UML models by simulation and verification
In : International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 8 N. 2, pp. 128-145, 2006.
Susanne Graf, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
A real-time profile for UML
In : International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 8 N. 2, pp. 113-127, 2006.
Iulian Ober, Ileana Ober, Susanne Graf, David Lesens
Projet OMEGA : un profil UML et un outil pour la modélisation et la validation de systèmes temps réel
In : Génie Logiciel, GL & SI, 8, rue du parc – 92190 Meudon, Vol. 73, pp. 33-38, June 2005.
Guillaume Vidot, Mélanie Ducoffe, Christophe Gabreau, Iulian Ober, Ileana Ober
Formal Monotony Analysis of Neural Networks with Mixed Inputs: An Asset for Certification
27th International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2022), Sep 2022, Warsaw, Poland. pp.15-31, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-15008-1_3⟩
Ileana Ober, Mickaël Trezzy, Iulian Ober, Raquel Oliveira
Leveraging domain specific modeling to increase accessibility of robot programming
IEEE International Workshop of Electronics, Control, Measurement, Signals and their application to Mechatronics (ECMSM 2021), IEEE, Jun 2021, Liberec, Czech Republic. ⟨10.1109/ECMSM51310.2021.9468864⟩
Mickaël Trezzy, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
Applying MDE to ROS systems: A comparative analysis
4th Working Formal Methods Symposium (FROM 2020), Sep 2020, Cluj-Napoca (virtual), Romania
Ronan Baduel, Iulian Ober, Jean-Michel Bruel
Modeling and verification method for an early evaluation of Systems of Systems interactions
35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2020), Mar 2020, Brno, Czech Republic. pp.1798-1805, ⟨10.1145/3341105.3373944⟩
Revisiting Bounded Reachability Analysis of Timed Automata Based on MILP
23rd International Conference on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2018), Sep 2018, Maynoooth, Ireland. pp.269-283
Ronan Baduel, Jean-Michel Bruel, Iulian Ober, Eddy Doba
Definition of states and modes as general concepts for system design and validation
12e Conference Internationale de Modelisation, Optimisation et Simulation (MOSIM 2018), Jun 2018, Toulouse, France
Ronan Baduel, Mohammad Chami, Jean-Michel Bruel, Iulian Ober
SysML Models Verification and Validation in an Industrial Context: Challenges and Experimentation
European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, Jun 2018, Toulouse, France
On Patterns of Multi-domain Interaction for Scientific Software Development focused on Separation of Concerns
17th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017), Jun 2017, Zürich, Switzerland. pp. 2298-2302
A variant of the high-school timetabling problem and a software solution for it based on integer linear programming
11th International Conference on Practice and Theory of Auto-mated Timetabling (PATAT-2016), Aug 2016, Udine, Italy. pp.283-294
Iulia Dragomir, Iulian Ober, Christian Percebois
Safety Contracts for Timed ReactiveComponents in SysML
International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science – SOFSEM 2014, Jan 2014, Nový Smokovec, Slovakia. pp. 211-222
Iulia Dragomir, Iulian Ober, Christian Percebois
Safety contracts for timed reactive components (regular paper)
In : Journées nationales du GDR CNRS Programmation et Logiciel, Nancy, 03/04/13-05/04/13, Laurence Duchien (Eds.), Université de Lorraine, pp. 37-46, April 2013.
BibTeXManzoor Ahmad, Iulia Dragomir, Jean-Michel Bruel, Iulian Ober, Nicolas Belloir
Early Analysis of Ambient Systems SYSML Properties using OMEGA2-IFx (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2013), Reykjavik, Iceland, 29/07/13-31/07/13, SciTePress, pp. 147-154, September 2013.
URL : –
BibTeXEl Arbi Aboussoror, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
Significantly Increasing the Usability of Model Analysis Tools through Visual Feedback (regular paper)
In : International System Design Languages Forum (SDL 2013), Montréal, Canada, 26/06/13-28/06/13, Vol. 7916, Springer, LNCS, pp. 107-123, June 2013.
Iulia Dragomir, Iulian Ober, Christian Percebois
Integrating verifiable Assume/Guarantee contracts in UML/SysML (regular paper)
In : International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACES-MB 2013), Miami, USA, 29/09/13-29/09/13, Vol. 1084, CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings, (on line), September 2013.
Abstract URL : –
BibTeXEl Arbi Aboussoror, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
Visualisation orientee modele de trace de simulation (short paper)
In : Journées nationales du GDR CNRS Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel, Nancy, 03/04/13-05/04/13, Duchien Laurence (Eds.), Université de Lorraine, pp. 92, April 2013.
Iulia Dragomir, Iulian Ober, David Lesens
A Case Study in Formal System Engineering with SysML (regular paper)
In : IEEE International Conference on Engineering Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS 2012), Paris, 18/07/12-20/07/12, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 189-198, 2013.
El Arbi Aboussoror, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
Seeing Errors: Model Driven Simulation Trace Visualization (regular paper)
In : ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2012), Innsbruck, Autriche, 30/09/12-05/10/12, Robert France, Jürgen Kazmeier (Eds.), Springer, LNCS 7590, pp. 480-496, October 2012.
URL : –
BibTeXEric Conquet, François-Xavier Dormoy, Iulia Dragomir, Susanne Graf, David Lesens, Piotr Nienaltowski, Iulian Ober
Formal Model Driven Engineering for Space Onboard Software (regular paper)
In : European Conference on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS 2012), Toulouse, 01/02/12-03/02/12, Society of Automobile Engineers (SAE), (electronic medium), January 2012.
Stefan Van Baelen, Iulian Ober, Huascar Espinoza, Thomas Weigert, Ileana Ober, Sébastien Gérard
Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACES-MB 2010) (regular paper)
In : ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2011), Oslo, 02/10/11-08/10/11, Jürger Dingel, Soldberg Solberg (Eds.), Springer, LNCS 6627, pp. 70-74, 2011.
Unambiguous UML composite structures: the OMEGA2 experience (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2011), Nový Smokovec (Slovakia), 22/01/11-28/01/11, Královi& Královi&, Rastislav 269; (Eds.), Springer, LNCS, pp. 1-12, January 2011.
URL : –
BibTeXYounes Lakhrissi, Iulian Ober, Mahmoud Nassar, Bernard Coulette, Abdelaziz Kriouile
Event Probes: A new Mechanism to support View-based Behavioral Modeling (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Models of Information and Communication Systems (MICS 2010), Rabat, 02/11/10-04/11/10, Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, (on line), November 2010.
BibTeXOMEGA2: A new version of the profile and the tools (regular paper)
In : UML&AADL’2009 – 14th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, Oxford, Royaume Uni, 24/03/10-25/03/10, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 373-378, 2010.
URL : –
BibTeXYounes Lakhrissi, Adil Anwar, Bernard Coulette, Sophie Ebersold, Iulian Ober
VUML (View-based UML) : Composition de modèles par points de vue
In : LMO 2009 – Poster, Nancy, 25/03/09-27/03/09.
Younes Lakhrissi, Iulian Ober, Bernard Coulette
Spécification et composition du comportement par point de vue
In : Journées GDR GPL – Atelier COSMAL, Toulouse, 27/01/09-30/01/09.
Iulian Ober, Bernard Coulette, Younes Lakhrissi
Behavioral Modelling and Composition of Object Slices Using Event Observation
In : ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2008), Toulouse, 28/09/08-03/10/08, Jean-Michel Bruel, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Ileana Ober (Eds.), Springer, LNCS 5301, pp. 219-233, September 2008.
Younes Lakhrissi, Iulian Ober, Bernard Coulette, Mahmoud Nassar, Abdelaziz Kriouile
Prise en compte des aspects comportementaux dans la démarche de modélisation de VUML.
In : Atelier ERTSI, associé à la conférence INFORSID, Fontainebleau, 27/05/08-27/05/08, Hermès, (electronic medium), May 2008.
Observation-based interaction and concurrent aspect-oriented programming
In : International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA 2008), Prague, Rép. Tcheque, 20/08/08-22/08/08, Roger Lee (Eds.), Springer, SCI 150, pp. 141-156, August 2008.
Iulian Ober, Nicolas Halbwachs
On the timed automata-based verification of Ravenscar systems
In : International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2008, Venise, Italie, 16/06/08-20/06/08, Tullio Vardanega, Fabrice Kordon (Eds.), Springer, LNCS 5026, pp. 30-43, June 2008.
Xavier Dumas, Tristan Faure, Maurice Heitz, Iulian Ober, David Lesens
Supporting a Multi-formalism Model Driven Development Process with Model Transformation,a TOPCASED Implementation
In : European Congress on Embedded Real-Time Software (ERTS 2008), Toulouse, 30/01/08-01/02/08, SIA/3AF/SEE, (electronic medium), January 2008.
Younes Lakhrissi, Iulian Ober, Bernard Coulette, Mahmoud Nassar, Abdelaziz Kriouile
Vers la notion de machine à états multivue dans le profil VUML
In : Atelier WOTIC 2007, Rabat, 05/07/07-06/07/07.
Marc Pantel, Benoit Combemale, Xavier Crégut, Christine Maurel, Pierre Michel, Frédéric Migeon, Iulian Ober, Sylvain Rougemaille
Sémantique et méta-modélisation
In : Journées Kermeta, Rennes, 10/10/06.
BibTeXMarc Pantel, Benoit Combemale, Xavier Crégut, Christine Maurel, Pierre Michel, Frédéric Migeon, Iulian Ober, Sylvain Rougemaille
Simulation et ingénierie des modèles
In : Journées Kermeta, Rennes, 10/10/06.
BibTeXIulian Ober, Susanne Graf, David Lesens
Modeling and validation of a software architecture for the Ariane-5 launcher
In : Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems – 8th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference (FMOODS 2006), Bologna, Italy, 14/06/06-16/06/06, Vol. 4037 , Roberto Gorrieri, Heike Warheim (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, LNCS, pp. 48-62, 2006.
UML-based modelling and verification of real-time systems
In : Ecole d’Ete Temps Réel ETR’2009. Laurent Pautet, Béatrice Berard, Serge Haddad (Eds.) , Télécom ParisTech, pp. 113-126, September 2009.
Iulian Ober, Stefan Van Baelen, Susanne Graf, Mamoun Filali, Thomas Weigert
Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems
In : Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2008. Michel Chaudron (Eds.) , Springer, pp. 1-4, Vol. 5421, LNCS, April 2009.
MODELS Research Projects Symposium
In : Models in Software Engineering, Workshops and Symposia at MODELS 2008. Michel Chaudron (Eds.) , Springer, pp. 400-401, Vol. 5421, LNCS, April 2009.
Marius Bozga, Susanne Graf, Laurent Mounier, Iulian Ober
Modeling and Verification of Real-Time Systems using the IF Toolbox
In : Modeling and Verification of Real-time Systems. Nicolas Navet, Stefan Merz (Eds.) , Wiley, 10, pp. 319-352, January 2008.
BibTeXSusanne Graf, Sébastien Gérard, Oystein Haugen, Iulian Ober, Bran Selic
Modeling and Analysis of Real-time and Embedded Systems – Using UML
In : MoDELS’2006 Workshops. Thomas Kühne (Eds.) , Springer-Verlag, pp. 126-130, Vol. 4364, LNCS, January 2007.
Susanne Graf, Sébastien Gérard, Oystein Haugen, Iulian Ober, Bran Selic
Workshop synthesis: Modeling and analysis of real-time embedded systems
In : Satellite Events at the MoDELS 2005 Conference. Jean-Michel Bruel (Eds.) , Springer-Verlag, pp. 58-66, Vol. 3844, LNCS, 2006.
Marius Bozga, Susanne Graf, Laurent Mounier, Iulian Ober
La boîte à outils IF
In : Systèmes Temps Réel: Techniques de description et de vérification. Nicolas Navet (Eds.) , Hermès, 9, pp. 293-326, Vol. I, 2006.
Marius Bozga, Susanne Graf, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober, J. Sifakis
The IF toolset
In : SFM-04:RT 4th Int. School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems: Real Time. Marco Bernardo, Flavio Corradini (Eds.) , Springer-Verlag, pp. 237-267, Vol. 3185, LNCS, June 2004.
Observer pour vérifier, contraindre et interagir. Applications de l’observation à la construction et à la validation des systèmes logiciels
HDR, Université de Toulouse-le-Mirail, December 2010.
Spécification et Validation des Systèmes Temporisés avec des langages de Description Formelle : étude et mise en oeuvre
Master’s Thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, September 2001.
Manuel Mazzara, Iulian Ober, Gwen Salaün
Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2018)
Mazzara, Manuel; Ober, Iulian; Salaun, Gwen. STAF 2018 – Federation of International Conferences on Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations, Jun 2018, Toulouse, France. 11176, Springer, XXI, 658 p., 2018, Programming and Software Engineering book series, 978-3030047702. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-04771-9⟩
Iulian Ober, Florian Noyrit, Susanne Graf, Gabor Karsai
6th International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems, Miami, Florida, USA, 29/09/13, CEUR-WS : Workshop proceedings, September 2013.
URL : –
BibTeXIulian Ober, Stefan Van Baelen, Thomas Weigert, Sébastien Gérard, Huascar Espinoza
5th International Workshop on Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems, Innsbruck, 30/09/12 – 30/09/12, ACM Digital Library, December 2012.
SDL 2011 : Integrating System and Software Modeling – 15th International SDL Forum Toulouse, Toulouse, 05/07/11 – 07/07/11, Springer, LNCS 7083, July 2011.
URL : –
BibTeXStefan Van Baelen, Iulian Ober, Susanne Graf, Mamoun Filali, Thomas Weigert
ACESMB 2008 First International Workshop on Model Based Arhictecting and Constructing of Embedded Systems, Toulouse, 29/09/08 – 29/09/08, IRIT Press, September 2009.
Guillaume Vidot, Christophe Gabreau, Ileana Ober, Iulian Ober
Certification of embedded systems based on Machine Learning: A survey