Publications of
Karine Rota, Caroline Thierry, Gérard Bel
Supply chain management: a supplier perspective
In : Production Planning and Control, Taylor & Francis Group, Vol. 13 N. 4, pp. 370-380, April 2002.
Karine Rota, Gérard Bel, Caroline Thierry
Relations clients-fournisseurs et planification de la production pour une entreprise impliquée dans plusieurs chaînes logistiques
In : Congrès International du Génie Industriel, Montréal, 26/05/99-28/05/99, Universal Conference Management Systems & Support (UCMSS), (electronic medium), 1999.
Karine Rota, Caroline Thierry, Olivier Telle, Gérard Bel
Toward a negociation support system to increase partnership between principals and subcontractor in aeronautics
In : Stimulating Manufacturing Excellence in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMESME 1998), Sheffield, 20/04/98-22/04/98, University of Sheffield, (electronic medium), 1998.
Karine Rota, Caroline Thierry, Gérard Bel
upply chain management : a supplier perspective
In : Symposium on Information Control in Manufacturing (INCOM 1998), Nancy, 24/06/98-26/06/98, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), (electronic medium), 1998.
Karine Rota, Caroline Thierry, Gérard Bel
Capacity constrainted MRP systems : a mathematical programming model integrating forcast, backlog orders and suppliers
In : Congrès International du Génie Industriel, Albi, 03/09/97-05/09/97, IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux, (electronic medium), 1997.
Karine Rota, Caroline Thierry, Gérard Bel
Gestion des flux dans les chaînes logistiques (Supply Chain Management)
In : La maîtrise des flux. P Burlat, J.P. Campagne (Eds.) , Hermès, pp. 103-128, 2001.