Publications of
Svebor Karaman, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Vladislavs Dovgalecs, Rémi Megret, Julien Pinquier, Régine André-Obrecht, Yann Gaestel, Jean-François Dartigues
Hierarchical Hidden Markov Model in Detecting Activities of Daily Living in Wearable Videos for Studies of Dementia
In : Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Allemagne, Vol. 69, pp. 743-771, 2012.
Philippe Joly, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Ewa Kijak, Georges Quénot
The ARGOS campaign: Evaluation of Video Analysis Tools
In : Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier, Vol. 22 N. 7-8, pp. 705-717, 2007.
Yann Gaestel, Julien Pinquier, Régine André-Obrecht, Françoise Trophy, Sandrine Cerda, Rémi Megret, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Jean-François Dartigues
Évaluation à domicile des activités de la vie quotidienne chez les patients âgés présentant une démence. Données préliminaires sur lapport de lenregistrement vidéo (poster)
In : Journées de Printemps de la SNLF, Bordeaux, France, 01/06/12-02/06/12, Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, (electronic medium), 2012.
Julien Pinquier, Svebor Karaman, Laetitia Letoupin, Patrice Guyot, Rémi Megret, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Yann Gaestel, Jean-François Dartigues
Strategies for multiple feature fusion with Hierarchical HMM: application to activity recognition from wearable audiovisual sensors (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), Tsukuba, Japon, 11/11/12-15/11/12, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 3192-3195, November 2012.
Yann Gaestel, Cherifathou Onifade-Fagbemi, Françoise Trophy, Svebor Karaman, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Rémi Megret, Julien Pinquier, Régine André-Obrecht
Autonomy at home and early diagnosis in Alzheimer Disease : usefulness of video indexing applied to clinical issues. The IMMED Project (poster)
In : Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (AAICAD 2011), Paris, France, 16/07/11-21/07/11, Vol. 7, Alzheimer’s Association, pp. 245-245, July 2011.
Svebor Karaman, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Rémi Megret, Julien Pinquier, Yann Gaestel, Jean-François Dartigues
Activities of Daily Living Indexing by Hierarchical HMM for Dementia Diagnostics (regular paper)
In : International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2011), Madrid, Spain, 13/06/11-15/06/11, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 79-84, June 2011.
Rémi Megret, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Vladislavs Dovgalecs, Hazem Wannous, Svebor Karaman, Julien Pinquier, Philippe Joly, Régine André-Obrecht, Yann Gaestel, Jean-François Dartigues
The IMMED Project: Wearable Video Monitoring of People with Age Dementia (regular paper)
In : ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM Multimedia 2010), Firenze, Italy, 25/10/10-29/10/10, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, (electronic medium), October 2010.
Rémi Megret, Daniel Szolgay, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Philippe Joly, Julien Pinquier, Jean-François Dartigues, Yann Gaestel, Noel O’Connor, Ciarán Ó Conaire
Indexing of Wearable Video: IMMED and SenseCAM Projects
In : COST292 Workshop: Semantic Multimodal Analysis of Digital Media, Lyon, France, 28/11/08.
Rémi Megret, Daniel Szolgay, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Philippe Joly, Julien Pinquier, Jean-François Dartigues, Catherine Helmer
Wearable Video Monitoring of People with Age Dementia: Video Indexing at the Service of Healthcare
In : International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2008), London, UK, 18/06/08-20/06/08, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 101-108, 2008.
Philippe Joly, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Ewa Kijak, Georges Quénot
The ARGOS Campaign: Evaluation of Video Analysis Tools
In : International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2007), Bordeaux, France, 25/06/07-27/06/07, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 130-137, 2007.
Jenny Benois-Pineau, Philippe Joly, Ewa Kijak, Georges Quénot
ARGOS: French Evaluation Campaign for benchmarking of video content analysis methods
In : SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, San Jose, California, USA, 31/01/07-01/02/07, Vol. 6506, 65060O, A Hanjalic, R Schettini, N Sebe (Eds.), The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems, pp. 1-11, 2007.
Yann Gaestel, Julien Pinquier, Régine André-Obrecht, Françoise Trophy, Sandrine Cerda, Rémi Megret, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Jean-François Dartigues
Évaluation à domicile des activités de la vie quotidienne chez les patients âgés présentant une démence. Données préliminaires sur lapport de lenregistrement vidéo (poster)
In : Journées de Printemps de la SNLF, Bordeaux, France, 01/06/12-02/06/12, Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, (electronic medium), 2012.
Yann Gaestel, Cherifathou Onifade-Fagbemi, Françoise Trophy, Svebor Karaman, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Rémi Megret, Julien Pinquier, Régine André-Obrecht
Autonomy at home and early diagnosis in Alzheimer Disease : usefulness of video indexing applied to clinical issues. The IMMED Project (poster)
In : Alzheimer’s Association International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease (AAICAD 2011), Paris, France, 16/07/11-21/07/11, Vol. 7, Alzheimer’s Association, pp. 245-245, July 2011.