Publications of Armelle BONENFANT
Theo Ungerer, Christian Bradatsch, Martin Frieb, Florian Kluge, Jörg Mische, Alexander Stegmeier, Ralf Jahr, Mike Gerdes, Pavel Zaykov, Lucie Matusova, Zai Jian Jia Li, Zlatko Petrov, Bert Böddeker, Sebastian Kehr, Hans Regler, Andreas Hugl, Christine Rochange, Haluk Ozaktas, Hugues Cassé, Armelle Bonenfant, Pascal Sainrat, Nick Lay, David George, Ian Broster, Eduardo Quinones, Milos Panic, Jaume Abella, Carles Hernandez, Francisco Cazorla, Sascha Uhrig, Mathias Rohde, Arthur Pyka
Parallelizing Industrial Hard Real-Time Applications for the parMERASA Multicore
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), 2016, 15 (3), ⟨10.1145/2910589⟩
Claire Maiza, Pascal Raymond, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Armelle Bonenfant, Fabienne Carrier, Hugues Cassé, Philippe Cuenot, Denis Claraz, Nicolas Halbwachs, Erwan Jahier, Hanbing Li, Marianne de Michiel, Vincent Mussot, Isabelle Puaut, Christine Rochange, Erven Rohou, Jordy Ruiz, Pascal Sotin, Wei-Tsun Sun
The W-SEPT Project: Towards Semantic-Aware WCET Estimation
17th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2017), Jun 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp.13, ⟨10.4230/OASIcs.WCET.2017.9⟩
Armelle Bonenfant, Denis Claraz, Marianne de Michiel, Pascal Sotin
Early WCET Prediction using Machine Learning
17th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2017), Jun 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia. pp.5:1 – 5:9, ⟨10.4230/OASIcs.WCET.2017.5⟩
Armelle Bonenfant, Fabienne Carrier, Hugues Cassé, Philippe Cuenot, Denis Claraz, Nicolas Halbwachs, Hanbing Li, Claire Maiza, Marianne de Michiel, Vincent Mussot, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux, Isabelle Puaut, Pascal Raymond, Erven Rohou, Pascal Sotin
When the worst-case execution time estimation gains from the application semantics
8th European Congress on Embedded Real-Time Software and Systems, Jan 2016, Toulouse, France
Theo Ungerer, Christian Bradatsch, Martin Frieb, Florian Kluge, Jörg Mische, Alexander Stegmeier, Ralf Jahr, Mike Gerdes, Pavel Zaykov, Lucie Matusova, Zai Jian Jia Li, Zlatko Petrov, Bert Böddeker, Sebastian Kehr, Hans Regler, Andreas Hugl, Christine Rochange, Haluk Ozaktas, Hugues Cassé, Armelle Bonenfant, Pascal Sainrat, Nick Lay, David George, Ian Broster, Eduardo Quinones, Milos Panic, Jaume Abella, Carles Hernandez, Francisco Cazorla, Sascha Uhrig, Mathias Rohde, Arthur Pyka
Experiences and Results of Parallelisation of Industrial Hard Real-time Applications for the parMERASA Multi-core
3rd Workshop on High-performance and Real-time Embedded Systems (HiRES 2015) in conjunction with HiPEAC 2015, Luís Miguel Pinho, CISTER, Portugal; Eduardo Quiñones, BSC, Spain; Sascha Uhrig, TU Dortmund, Germany, Jan 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jakob Zwirchmayr, Pascal Sotin, Armelle Bonenfant, Denis Claraz, Philippe Cuenot
Identifying Relevant Parameters to Improve WCET Analysis
14th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2014), Jul 2014, Madrid, Spain. pp.93-102
Vincent Mussot, Armelle Bonenfant, Pascal Sotin, Denis Claraz, Philippe Cuenot
From Relevant High-level Properties to WCET Computation Improvement
International Conference on Embedded Real Time Software and Systems (ERTS2 2014), Feb 2014, Toulouse, France. pp.0
Theo Ungerer, Christian Bradatsch, Mike Gerdes, Florian Kluge, Ralf Jahr, Jörg Mische, Joao Fernandes, Zaykov Pavel, Zlatko Petrov, Bert Böddeker, Sebastian Kehr, Hans Regler, Andreas Hugl, Christine Rochange, Haluk Ozaktas, Hugues Cassé, Armelle Bonenfant, Pascal Sainrat, Nick Lay, Ian Broster, David George, Eduardo Quinones, Milos Panic, Francisco Cazorla, Jaume Abella, Sascha Uhrig, Mathias Rohde, Arthur Pyka
parMERASA Multi-Core Execution of Parallelised Hard Real-Time Applications Supporting Analysability (regular paper)
In : Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD 2013), Santander (Spain), 04/09/13-06/09/13, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 363-370, September 2013.
Jakob Zwirchmayr, Armelle Bonenfant, Marianne De Michiel, Hugues Cassé, Laura Kovacs, Jens Knoop
FFX: A Portable WCET Annotation Language (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2012), Pont-à-Mousson, 08/11/12-09/11/12, ACM Digital Library, pp. 91-100, November 2012.
Marianne De Michiel, Armelle Bonenfant, Hugues Cassé
Normalisation of Loops with Covariant Variables (regular paper)
In : Tools for Automatic Program AnalysiS (TAPAS 2012), Deauville, 14/09/12, Science Direct, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 289, pp. 41-51, September 2012.
Reinhard Von Hanxleden, Niklas Holsti, Björn Lisper, Erhard Ploedereder , Reinhard Wilhelm, Armelle Bonenfant, Hugues Cassé, Sven Bünte, Wolfgang Fellger, Sebastian Gepperth , Jan Gustafsson, Benedikt Huber, Nazrul Mohammad Islam, Daniel Kästner, Raimund Kirner, Laura Kovacs, Felix Krause, Marianne De Michiel, Mads Christian Olesen, Adrian Prantl, Wolfgang Puffitsch , Christine Rochange, Martin Schoeberl , Simon Wegener , Michael Zolda, Jakob Zwirchmayr
WCET Tool Challenge: Report (regular paper)
In : Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, Porto, 05/07/11, Politécnico do Porto, pp. 104-141, July 2011.
Marianne De Michiel, Armelle Bonenfant, Clément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé
Partial Flow Analysis with oRange (short paper)
In : International on Symposium Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2010), Heraklion, 18/10/10-20/10/10, Springer, LNCS 6416, pp. 479-482, October 2010.
BibTeXChristine Rochange, Armelle Bonenfant, Pascal Sainrat, Mike Gerdes, Julian Wolf, Theo Ungerer, Zlatko Petrov, Frantisek Mikulu
WCET Analysis of a Parallel 3G Multigrid Solver Executed on the MERASA Multi-core (regular paper)
In : International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2010), Brussels, 06/07/10, Vol. 268, Björn Lisper (Eds.), Austrian Computer society, pp. 92-102, July 2010.
BibTeXNiklas Holsti, Jan Gustafsson, Guillem Bernat, Clément Ballabriga, Armelle Bonenfant, Roman Bourgade, Hugues Cassé, Daniel Cordes, Albrecht Kadlec, Raimund Kirner, Jens Knoop, Paul Lokuciejewski, Nicholas Merriam, Marianne De Michiel, Adrian Prantl, Bernhard Rieder, Christine Rochange, Pascal Sainrat, Markus Schordan
WCET Tool Challenge 2008: report
In : International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2008), Prague, 01/07/08-01/07/08, Austrian Computer society, pp. 149-171, October 2008.
BibTeXArmelle Bonenfant, Marianne De Michiel, Pascal Sainrat
oRange: A Tool For Static Loop Bound Analysis
In : Workshop on Resource Analysis, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK, 09/09/08.
BibTeXMarianne De Michiel, Armelle Bonenfant, Hugues Cassé, Pascal Sainrat
Static loop bound analysis of C programs based on flow analysis and abstract interpretation
In : IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA 2008), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 25/08/08-27/08/08, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 161-168, August 2008.
Abstract URL : –
BibTeXChristoph Herrmann, Armelle Bonenfant, Kevin Hammond, Steffen Jost, Hans-Wolfgang Loidl, Robert Pointon
Automatic Amortised Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
In : International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2007), Pisa, 03/07/07, Christine Rochange (Eds.), IRIT, pp. 13-18, July 2007.
Armelle Bonenfant, Christian Ferdinand, Kevin Hammond, Reinhold Heckmann
Worst-Case Execution Times for a Purely Functional Language
In : International Symposium on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL 2006), Budapest, 04/09/06-06/09/06, Springer, LNCS 4449, pp. 235-253, August 2007.
BibTeXArmelle Bonenfant, Zezhi Chen, Kevin Hammond, Greg Michaelson, Andy Wallace, Iain Wallace
Towards Resource-Certified Software: A Formal Cost Model for Time and its Application to an Image-Processing Example
In : Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), Seoul, Korea, 11/03/07-15/03/07, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 1307-1314, March 2007.