Publications of
Marianne De Michiel, Armelle Bonenfant, Clément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé
Partial Flow Analysis with oRange (short paper)
In : International on Symposium Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2010), Heraklion, 18/10/10-20/10/10, Springer, LNCS 6416, pp. 479-482, October 2010.
BibTeXClément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé, Christine Rochange, Pascal Sainrat
OTAWA: an Open Toolbox for Adaptive WCET Analysis (regular paper)
In : IFIP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS 2010), Waidhofen/Ybbs, Austria, 13/10/10-15/10/10, Springer, pp. 35-46, October 2010.
BibTeXHugues Cassé, Pascal Sainrat, Clément Ballabriga, Marianne De Michiel
Experimentation of WCET computation on both ends of automotive processor range (regular paper)
In : Workshop on Critical Automotive applications: Robustness and Safety (CARS 2010), Valencia, Spain, 27/04/10, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 67-70, May 2010.
BibTeXClément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé, Marianne De Michiel
A Generic Framework for Blackbox Components in WCET Computation (regular paper)
In : Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis, Dublin, 30/06/09, Vol. 252, Austrian Computer society, pp. 118-129, October 2009.
BibTeXNiklas Holsti, Jan Gustafsson, Guillem Bernat, Clément Ballabriga, Armelle Bonenfant, Roman Bourgade, Hugues Cassé, Daniel Cordes, Albrecht Kadlec, Raimund Kirner, Jens Knoop, Paul Lokuciejewski, Nicholas Merriam, Marianne De Michiel, Adrian Prantl, Bernhard Rieder, Christine Rochange, Pascal Sainrat, Markus Schordan
WCET Tool Challenge 2008: report
In : International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2008), Prague, 01/07/08-01/07/08, Austrian Computer society, pp. 149-171, October 2008.
BibTeXRoman Bourgade, Clément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé, Christine Rochange, Pascal Sainrat
Accurate analysis of memory latencies for WCET estimation (regular paper)
In : International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2008), Rennes, 16/10/08-17/10/08, IRISA, pp. 161-170, October 2008.
BibTeXClément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé
Improving the WCET computation time by IPET using control flow graph partitioning
In : International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET 2008), Prague, 01/07/08-01/07/08, Austrian Computer society, pp. 19-27, July 2008.
BibTeXClément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé
Improving the First-Miss Computation in Set-Associative Instruction Caches
In : Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2008), Prague, 02/07/08-04/07/08, IEEE : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 341-350, July 2008.
BibTeXClément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé, Pascal Sainrat
An improved approach for set-associative instruction cache partial analysis
In : Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2008), Fortaleza (Brazil), 16/03/08-20/03/08, ACM : Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 360-368, March 2008.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXClément Ballabriga, Hugues Cassé, Pascal Sainrat
WCET computation on software components by partial static analysis
In : Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing, Nancy, 29/03/07-30/03/07, LORIA, pp. 15-18, March 2007.
Abstract URL :
BibTeXGuylhem Aznar, Patrice Dalle, Clément Ballabriga
Analysis of the differents methods to encode SignWriting in Unicode
In : Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Language:Lexicographic Matters and Didactic Scenarios (LREC 2006), Gênes, Italie, 28/05/06-28/05/06, Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA), pp. 59-63, 2006.
Vérification de contraintes temporelles strictes sur des programmes par composition d’analyses partielles
Master’s Thesis, Université Paul Sabatier, September 2010.